Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Overview of SOFC Program
Shailesh Vora
SOFC Technology Manager, NETL, DOE
Progress in SOFC Technology Development at FuelCell Energy (FE31648, FE31639, Cost report on FE26199 & FE27584)
Hossein Ghezel‐Ayagh
FuelCell Energy
Advanced SOFC Developmemnt at Redox Power Systems (FE31656 & FE27897)
Bryan Blackburn
Redox Power Systems, LLC
Next Generation Durable, Cost Effective, Energy Efficient Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (FE31674)
Ted Ohrn & Rich Goettler
Special Power Sources, LLC
Innovative, Versatile and Cost‐Effective Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stack Concept (FE26211)
Nguyen Minh
University of California ‐ San Diego
Development & Validation of Low‐Cost, Highly‐Durable, Spinel‐Based Contact Materials (FE31187)
Jiahong Zhu
Tennessee Technological University
Chromium Tolerant, Highly Active and Stable Electrocatalytic Internal Surface Coating for Cathode of Commercial Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) (FE31665)
Xueyan Song
West Virginia University
Multi-Constituent Airborne Contaminants Capture and Mitigation of Cathode Poisoning in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (FE0031647)
Prabhakar Singh
University of Connecticut
Computationally Guided Design of a Multiple Impurity Tolerant Electrode (FE31652)
Yu Zhong
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Explore the Role of Interlayer Chemistry on the Cathode Performance and Performance Stability (FE31667)
Xiao-Dong Zhou
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
High-Performance Circuit Pastes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Applications (FE31672)
Jason Nicholas
Michigan State University
Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Technology Development (FE31977)
Chad A. Wocken
University of North Dakota, Energy & Environmental Research Center
Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Development and Demonstration Test Center (DE-FE0024233-5.1)
Chad A. Wocken
University of North Dakota, Energy and Environmental Research Center (UNDEERC)
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Solid-State Electrochemical Cell R&D Progress at NETL (FWP1611054)
Greg Hackett
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)
Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and Electrolyzers for Integrated Energy System (FWP1022460)
Sam Bayham
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)
SECA Core Technology Program and Small Scale SOFC Test Platform (2 FWPs (66841 and 68820))
John Hardy & Brian Koeppel
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Reliable Evaluation of SOFC Cathodes - The Effect of Thickness and Contact Spacing (FWP27327)
Brian Ingram
Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)
Microstructural Evolution of Engineered Glass Seals after 40,000 Hours Exposure in SOFC Relevant Environments (FEAA121)
Edgar Lara-Curzio
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Modular Fuel Cells for Data Centers and Other Critical Power Users (FE31978)
Dan Connors & Kieth Spitznagel
Aris Energy Solutions LLC
Low Cost Solid Oxide Fuel Cells for Small-Scale Distributed Power Generation (FE31976)
Bryan Blackburn
Redox Power Systems, LLC
Improving Cost and Efficiency of the Scalable SOFC Power System (FE31941)
Thangaraj Mathuraiveeran
Cummins, Inc.
Performance Improvements for Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems (FE31974 & FE32032)
Hossein Ghezel‐Ayagh
FuelCell Energy, Inc. (FCE)
Low Cost, Large Area SOFC Stach for H2 and Chemicals Production (FWP)
Olga Marina
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Reversible SOFC-SOEC Stacks Based on Stable Rare-Earth Nickelate Oxygen Electrodes (FE31972)
John Pietras
Saint-Gobain Ceramic Materials
Thursday, November 18, 2021
A Highly Efficient and Affordable Hybrid System for Hydrogen and Electricity Production (FE31975)
Ying Liu
Phillips 66 Company
Versatile Reversible Solid Oxide Cell System for Hydrogen and Electricity Production (FE31986)
Emir Dogdibegovic
NexTech Materials, Ltd.
Cummins Reversible-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell System Development (FE31971)
Lars Henrichsen
INL-OxEon Tean Performance Validation of a Thermally Integrated 50 KW High Temperature Electrolyzer System (HQ)
Tyler Westover & Jenna Pike
Idaho National Laboratory and OxEon Energy
Efficient, Reliable, and Cost-Competitive Solid Oxide Cell Technology for Hydrogen and Electricity Production (FE31940 & FE32107)
Nguyen Minh
University of California, San Diego
Improving Durability and Performance of Solid Oxide Electrolyzers by Controlling Surface Composition on Oxygen Electrodes (FE32102)
Bilge Yildiz
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Development of Stable Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell for Low-Cost Hydrogen Production (FE32105)
S. Elango Elangovan
OxEon Energy, LLC
Designing Internal Surfaces of Porous Electrodes in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells for Highly Efficient and Durable Hydrogen Production (FE32112)
Xueyan Song
West Virginia University
High Temperature Anode Recycle Blower for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (FE27895 & SC20793)
Jose Luis Cordova
Mohawk Innovative Technology. Inc.
Developing Stable Critical Materials and Microstructure for High-Flux and Efficient Hydrogen Production through Reversible Solid Oxide Cells (FE32111)
Kevin Huang
University of South Carolina
Durable and High-Performance SOECs Based on Proton Conductors for Hydrogen Production (FE32115)
Meilin Liu
Georgia Tech
Heterostructured Cr Resistant Oxygen Electrode for SOECs (FE32116)
Yu Zhong & Wenyuan Li
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Development of High-Performance Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells and Diagnois Methods (FE32110)
Xiao-Dong Zhou, Henry Chu & Yudong Wang
University of Louisiana at Lafayette