Carbon Transport & Storage Program

Program Overview

Since 1997, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Carbon Storage Program has significantly advanced the carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) knowledge base and the development and validation of CCUS technologies through a diverse portfolio of applied research projects, including:

  • Industry cost-shared technology development projects.
  • University research grants and cooperative agreements.
  • Small business research grants.
  • Collaborative work with other national laboratories.
  • Research conducted in-house through the National Energy Technology Laboratory’s (NETL) Research and Innovation Center (RIC).

CCUS activities at NETL have grown and evolved significantly over the past 15 years. Point-source carbon capture, carbon conversion (utilization) and carbon dioxide removal (e.g., direct air capture) have expanded into separate, stand-alone research and development (R&D) programs, while transport R&D has been added to the storage component of the overall CCUS effort. Currently, the NETL Carbon Transport & Storage (CTS) program is aligned with the Strategic Vision of DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) for achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, and comprises the following four Research Priorities:

Carbon Storage infrastructure buttonExpanding Storage Infrastructure

Advanced Carbon Storage Research and Development buttonStrategic Planning and Advanced R&D for Carbon Transport Infrastructure

Carbon Transport buttonAdvanced R&D to Improve Performance of Carbon Transport and Storage

Carbon Transport buttonStrengthening Carbon Transport and Storage Infrastructure through Technical Assistance and Collaboration

in the news worker
Story 1

Carbon Matchmaker Tool and Carbon Management Interactive Diagram Released
DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) released two interactive resources to assist with advancing carbon management technologies and infrastructure in the United States: The Carbon Matchmaker Tool and the Carbon Management Interactive Diagram.

Funding Opportunity Announcement: Carbon Transport and Storage Solicitations and Funding Opportunities
Access all NETL solicitations and funding opportunities here.

2024 NETL/DOE Carbon Management Project Review Meeting
NETL announces the 2024 Carbon Management Project Review Meeting August 5th-9th at the David Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, PA. For more information and to register, click here.

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Program Support

Strategic Program Support activities contribute to an integrated approach, helping to ensure CCUS technologies are cost-effective and commercially available.

Explore the Site


Carbon Transport & Storage Project Portfolio

The project portfolio provides an informative overview of the current, recently completed, and archived projects supported by the NETL Carbon Transport and Storage Program


Learn More / FAQ's

View the FAQ Section for more information about the role the Carbon Transport and Storage Program plays in the Carbon Capture, Utilization, and storage (CCUS) complex



The Infographics provide a general overview of program highlights of the Carbon Transport and Storage Program and associated projects in a shareable format.


Conference Proceedings

The historical proceedings of NETL’s annual Project Review Meeting including the carbon capture, utilization, transport, storage, and oil and gas presentations.



Links to Carbon Transport and Storage Program documents, published models, maps, and reference materials.


Worldwide CCS Database

The NETL Carbon Capture and Storage Database includes information on active, proposed, and historic CCUS projects worldwide.

NETL implements this effort as part of DOE’s Office Fossil Energy and Carbon Management’s (FECM) Carbon Management Program