Core Competencies
Computational Science and Engineering
NETL’s Computational Science & Engineering (CSE) Directorate develops science-based simulation models, mathematical methods and algorithms, and software tools required to address the technical barriers to the development of next-generation technologies. CSE works together with other directorates at NETL to generate information and understanding beyond the reach of experiments alone. Through the integration of experimental information and computational sciences, scientists and engineers can simulate variations more efficiently while saving time, money, and materials.
Energy Conversion Engineering
NETL’s on-site energy conversion experts advance chemical conversion technologies as the United States unleashes the most advanced energy systems in the world. Using fundamental and applied modeling tools coupled with experimental testing allows researchers to investigate hydrogen/ammonia combustion turbines, catalysts and electrolysis for fuel and energy conversion, chemical looping for carbon capture, separation systems for hydrogen, oxygen, and CO2, including direct air capture, and the integration of energy components and systems to support grid resilience.
Geological and Environmental Systems
Geological and Environmental Systems (GES) is a focus area of the National Energy Technology Laboratory’s Research & Innovation Center (RIC). RIC’s other focus areas are Energy System Dynamics, Computational and Basic Sciences, and Materials Science and Engineering. Scientists and engineers in the Research and Innovation Center conduct research at NETL’s advanced research facilities in Albany, OR; Morgantown, WV; Pittsburgh, PA, and at various offsite locations.
Materials Engineering and Manufacturing
NETL is internationally recognized for its leadership in designing, developing, and deploying advanced materials for use in energy applications and extreme service environments. Of particular note is NETL’s ability to design, engineer, and evaluate materials at size and time regimes ranging from atomistic to pilot-plant scales. To accomplish this, NETL utilizes a one-of-a-kind suite of computational and experimental methods for translating new material science concepts into practical technologies.
Strategic Systems Analysis and Engineering
The discovery, design, and operation of energy systems benefit from systematic analytical methodologies for the often competing goals of maximizing profits, minimizing costs, addressing market and policy drivers, and meeting environmental and technical constraints. To accomplish this, NETL researchers develop and use advanced models coupled with optimization and uncertainty quantification to support decision-making.
Program Execution and Integration
A successful research portfolio is built on a thorough understanding of the economic, environmental, technological, regulatory, and political landscape; science-based strategic planning for programs and activities; collaboration with strategic partners to develop and test technology over a variety of maturity levels; and effective project management. NETL’s Program Execution and Integration functions are powered by highly trained management experts that are effective technical managers, communicators, and quality assurance analysts able to assess technical risks, assist with technical problem solving, and evaluate and manage project risk.