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Integrated Safety Management

NETL’s integrated safety management (ISM) is an enterprise-wide, organizational system for ensuring that safety is systematically integrated into management and work practices at all levels of the organization, so that missions are accomplished efficiently while protecting workers, the public, and the environment. The “safety” in ISM is synonymous with environment, safety, and health (ES&H). ISM is the core of DOE’s principle of doing work safely and instilling and promoting technical rigor and discipline in how NETL plans, manages, executes, and monitors work performance to ensure continual improvement. ISM was designed for the DOE workplace and provides the foundation for safety and the basis for a positive safety culture.

The scope of NETL’s ISM includes all intramural research and development activities, site maintenance and operations, site security and emergency response, construction management and verification activities, and the supporting administrative functions related to these activities and operations at the Albany, OR, Morgantown, WV, and Pittsburgh, PA sites.

ISM is the overarching management system by which NETL processes incorporate safety management system (SMS) and environmental management system (EMS) requirements.

Safety Management System

DOE Order 450.2, Integrated Safety Management, and DOE Policy 450.4A, Integrated Safety Management Policy, are the underlying framework with which NETL has developed and implemented safety management systems (SMS) for operations and work practices, based upon the ISM Guiding Principles and Core Functions.

Environmental Management System

NETL’s environmental management system (EMS) conforms with the International Organization for Standardization's (ISO) 14001:2015, Environmental Management Systems: Requirements with guidance for use. NETL’s EMS covers all site activities and implements programs to meet environmental goals and support the fulfillment of environmental compliance obligations. As part of the EMS, NETL is required to identify the aspects that have or can have a significant impact on the environment. From the significant aspects determination, Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) are developed and implemented to track NETL’s objectives and targets for measuring EMS performance.

Environmental Compliance

Each year NETL develops an Annual Site Environmental Report (ASER) that details NETL's compliance with applicable environmental regulations and its progress on meeting the objectives and targets set forth in its environmental management system. The ASER demonstrates NETL’s commitment to environmental protection, compliance, and NETL’s best efforts to ensure the validity and accuracy of the monitoring data. The report can be found at the following link.

Albany Groundwater Monitoring Program

As part of NETL’s commitment to safety and the environment, NETL-Albany, in partnership with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), continues its participation in the DEQ Voluntary Cleanup Program to proactively monitor groundwater at or around the NETL-Albany site. For more information, visit NETL-Albany Groundwater, Soil Vapor Monitoring Program.

NETL Environment, Safety and Health Policy

NETL will achieve environmental, safety, and health (ES&H) quality by proactively, systematically, and fully integrating ES&H considerations into the planning and execution of all work, so that the mission is successfully accomplished for the safety and health of the public without detriment to NETL or the environment.

NETL is committed to reducing environmental, safety, and health impacts by:

  • Complying with all applicable ES&H laws, regulations, and standards through rigorous regulatory compliance programs.
  • Implementing pollution prevention programs to eliminate or reduce waste and emissions and accident/incident reduction programs to eliminate or reduce accidents and incidents.
  • Conserving energy and materials through resource management and recycling/reuse.
  • Using safety analysis and review systems to identify, control, and reduce safety and health risks and environmental impacts through engineering and administrative controls.

NETL will work continually to improve environmental, safety, and health systems with the goal of improved ES&H performance. Performance will be measured against stated objectives and targets.

NETL will communicate information to employees and seek their involvement in reducing environmental, safety, and health impacts and communicate its policies to stakeholders and the public.

Questions about NETL’s Integrated Safety Management may be emailed to ES&