Hydrogen with Carbon Management
As part of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management's Hydrogen with Carbon Management (HCM) Program, NETL’s research focuses on the development and use of carbon-neutral or net-negative carbon emission energy systems and associated technologies.
The HCM program’s efforts are an integral part of the DOE's Hydrogen Shot, with a goal of reducing clean hydrogen costs by 80% to $1 per 1 kilogram within 1 decade (1-1-1), while expanding employment of the U.S. energy workforce. Seeking a cost-competitive decarbonized alternative to traditional fossil fuels, the HCM program has a research and development portfolio consisting of a new generation of carbon neutral or net-negative carbon emissions technologies. The HCM program conducts research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in six areas: (1) Gasification Systems, (2) Advanced Turbines, (3) Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (R-SOFCs), (4) Sensors, Controls, and Other Novel Concepts, and (5) Simulation-Based Engineering.
Hydrogen with Carbon Management Technologies
Gasification Systems
The DOE Gasification Systems Program is developing innovative modular designs for converting diverse types of carbon feedstocks into clean synthesis gas to enable the low-cost production of clean hydrogen, electricity, transportation fuels, chemicals and other useful products to suit market needs. Advancements in this area will help enable syngas-based technologies to play a role in economy-wide decarbonization in multiple energy sectors while remaining competitive in both domestic and international markets. These advancements will also spur on the use of abundant domestic carbon feedstock resources, which will, in turn, contribute toward increased energy security and promote justice by reviving depressed markets in traditional coal-producing regions of the United States.
Advanced Turbines
The NETL Advanced Turbines Program manages a portfolio of RD&D projects designed to develop revolutionary, near-zero-emission advanced turbines technologies, including the use of hydrogen as a fuel.
Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
The NETL Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Program maintains a portfolio of RD&D projects that address the technical issues facing the commercialization of solid-oxide fuel cell and reversible solid oxide fuel cell technologies and includes pilot-scale testing projects intended to validate the solutions to those issues. To successfully complete the maturation of these technologies from its present state to the point of commercial readiness, the program’s efforts are channeled through three key technologies, with a respective research focus. These key technologies include: (1) Cell Development, (2) Core Technology and (3) Systems Development.
Sensors, Controls, and Other Novel Concepts
The Sensors, Controls, and Other Novel Concepts Program is conducting research and development for technologies that will provide pivotal insights into optimizing performance, reliability, and availability of integrated energy and carbon management systems.
Simulation-Based Engineering
NETL’s Simulation-Based Engineering Program supports the development and application of new, innovative, physics- and chemistry-based models, and computational tools at multiple scales (i.e., atomistic, device, process, grid and market) to accelerate development and deployment of clean, advanced fossil fuel technologies.
Learn more about NETL’s expertise in Hydrogen R&D across the hydrogen value chain.