Technical Assistance and Collaboration

Research Priority Overview

The Technical Assistance and Collaboration research priority is building upon the accumulated technical and procedural knowledge and expertise gained from the Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships (RCSPs) to establish a collaborative regional technical assistance initiative that:

  • Addresses key technical challenges;
  • Obtains and shares data needed to support carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) deployment;
  • Facilitates regional infrastructure planning;
  • Performs regional technology transfer; and
  • Provides technical, informational, and educational assistance to stakeholders and communities impacted by these projects.

The research priority focuses on two key areas. Click on the icons below for more information.

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News: Carbon Matchmaker Tool and Carbon Management Interactive Diagram Released
DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) released two interactive resources to assist with advancing carbon management technologies and infrastructure in the United States: The Carbon Matchmaker Tool and the Carbon Management Interactive Diagram.

Funding Opportunity Announcement: Project Selections for FOA 2799: Regional Initiative to Accelerate Carbon Management Deployment: Technical Assistance for Large Scale Storage Facilities and Regional Carbon Management Hubs
Six projects were selected under Area of Interest 1 – Technical Assistance and Public Engagement for Geologic CO2 Storage and Transport at Large-Scale Storage Facilities or within Prospective Regional Carbon Management Hubs, and ten projects were selected under Area of Interest 2 – State Geological Data Gathering, Analysis, Sharing, and Engagement - for a total of $31.2 million.

Funding Opportunity Announcement: Regional Initiative for Technical Assistance Partnerships (RITAP) to Advance Deployment of Basin-Scale Carbon Transport and Storage and Community Engagement” -DE-FOA-0003014
DOE announced the availability of up to $40 million in funding for projects that will help advance commercial-scale carbon capture, transport, and storage across the United States to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from industrial operations and power plants, as well as from legacy emissions in the atmosphere. Specifically, the funding will provide technical, informational, and educational assistance to stakeholders involved in DOE and private sector-based carbon transport and storage projects located throughout the country, as well as to communities impacted by these projects.

News: 2023 FECM / NETL Carbon Management Research Project Review Meeting Proceedings Posted
The proceedings from the 2023 FECM / NETL Carbon Management Research Project Review Meeting held August 28 - September 1, 2023 are posted for the following programs: Point Source Carbon Capture, Carbon Dioxide Removal, Carbon Conversion, and Carbon Transport & Storage.

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