Plume Detection and Storage Efficiency Publications
Active Projects
Archived Projects
- Thermopile Energy Harvesting for Subsurface Wellbore Sensors
Charles Bryan, Thomas Dewers, Jason Heath, Ramesh Koripella, Jiann-Cherng Su, Aaron Melad, January 23, 2023.
- Thermopile Energy Harvesting for Subsurface Well Bore Sensors
Presented by Charles Bryan, Carbon Management Project Review Meeting – Carbon Transport and Storage, August 16, 2022.
- Thermopile Energy Harvesting for Subsurface Well Bore Sensors
Presented by Charles Bryan, Carbon Management and Oil and Gas Research Project Review Meeting – Carbon Storage, August 11, 2021.
- Monitoring of Geological CO2 Sequestration Using Isotopes & Perfluorocarbon Tracers
Presented by David Graham, Carbon Management Project Review Meeting – Carbon Transport and Storage, August 15, 2022.
- Monitoring of Geological CO2 Sequestration Using Isotopes & PFTs
Presented by Joachim Moortgat, Carbon Management and Oil and Gas Research Project Review Meeting – Carbon Storage, August 9, 2021.
- Monitoring of Geological CO2 Sequestration Using Isotopes & PFTs
Presented by David Graham, DOE NETL’s 2020 Integrated Project Review Meeting – Carbon Storage, September 10, 2020.
- Task 1: Monitoring of Geological CO2 Sequestration Using Isotopes & PFTs
Presented by Joachim Moortgat, Addressing the Nation’s Energy Needs through Technology Innovation – 2019 Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage, and Oil and Gas Technologies Integrated Review Meeting, August 28, 2019.
- Task 2: Monitoring of Geological CO2 Sequestration Using Isotopes and Perfluorocarbon Tracers
Presented by David Graham, Addressing the Nation’s Energy Needs through Technology Innovation – 2019 Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage, and Oil and Gas Technologies Integrated Review Meeting, August 29, 2019.
- Monitoring of Geological CO2 Sequestration Using Isotopes and Perfluorocarbon Tracers
Presented by David Graham, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 16, 2018.
- Monitoring of Geological CO2 Sequestration Using Isotopes and Perfluorocarbon Tracers
Presented by David Graham, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 3, 2017.
- Simulating Transport of Perfluorocarbon Tracers in the Cranfield Geologic Carbon Sequestration Project
Presented by Joachim Moortgat, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, Poster Session.
- Monitoring of Geological CO2 Sequestration Using Isotopes and Perfluorocarbon Tracers
Presented by David Graham, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 16, 2016.
- Monitoring of Geological CO2 Sequestration Using Isotopes and Perfluorocarbon Tracers
Presented by David Graham, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 19, 2015.
- Monitoring Geological CO2 Sequestration using Perfluorocarbon and Stable Isotopes Tracers
Presented by David Graham, Susan Pfiffner, Tommy Phelps, David Cole, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, Poster Session, August 18, 2015.
- Low-Frequency Seismicity Recorded at CO2 Injection Sites
Presented by Rick Hammack, 2024 FECM/NETL Carbon Management Research Project Review Meeting, August 7, 2024.
- Distributed Strain Sensing based Reservoir Monitoring for Carbon Sequestration Reservoirs
Presented by Ge Jin, 2024 FECM/NETL Carbon Management Research Project Review Meeting, August 6, 2024.
- Ultrasonic Seismic Wave Elastic Moduli, λp-μp Space and Attenuation: Petrophysical Models and Work Flows for Better Subsurface Imaging, and Tracking of Sequestered CO2
Presented by William Harbert, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, Poster Session.
- NETL Storage CO2 Resource Estimation Excel Analysis (SCREEN)
Presented by Sean Sanguinito, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, Poster Session, August 19, 2015.
- Monitoring the Extent of CO2 Plume and Pressure Perturbation
Presented by William Harbert, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 19, 2015.
- Seismic Contrast Agents for CO2 Monitoring
Presented by Quin Miller, 2024 FECM/NETL Carbon Management Research Project Review Meeting, August 7, 2024
- New Imaging and CO2 Storage Technologies for Unconventional Subsurface Reservoirs
Presented by Quin Miller, Carbon Management Project Review Meeting – Carbon Transport and Storage, August 15, 2022.
- Task 1: Enhanced Contrast Agents for CO2 Monitoring
Presented by Quin R.S. Miller, DOE NETL’s 2020 Integrated Project Review Meeting – Carbon Storage, September 10, 2020.
- Task 1: Enhanced Contrast Agents for CO2 Monitoring
Presented by Quin Miller, Addressing the Nation’s Energy Needs through Technology Innovation – 2019 Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage, and Oil and Gas Technologies Integrated Review Meeting, August 27, 2019.
- Task 1: Enhanced Contrast Agents for CO2 Monitoring
Presented by Pete McGrail, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 16, 2018.
- Integration of Seismic-Pressure-Petrophysics Inversion of Continuous Active-Seismic Monitoring Data for Monitoring and Quantifying CO2 Plume (Final Report)
Tieyuan Zhu, Eugene Morgan, Sanjay Srinivasan, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin, Alexander Sun, May 2, 2023.
- Understanding Subsurface Fracture Evolution Dynamics Using Time-Lapse Full Waveform Inversion of Continuous Active-Source Seismic Monitoring Data
Xuejian Liu, Tieyuan Zhu, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 50, Issue 5, February 2023.
- Data-Assimilated Time-Lapse Visco-Acoustic Full-Waveform Inversion: Theory and Application for Injected CO2 Plume Monitoring
Chao Huang, Tieyuan Zhu, Guangchi Xing, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Volume 88, Issue 1, January 2023.
- Rock Physics-Based Data Assimilation of Integrated Continuous Active-Source Seismic and Pressure Monitoring Data during Geological Carbon Storage
Shams Joon, Ismael Dawuda, Eugene Morgan, Sanjay Srinivasan, SPE Journal, Volume 27, Issue 4, August 2022.
- A hierarchical stochastic modeling approach for representing point bar geometries and petrophysical property variations
Ismael Dawuda, Sanjay Srinivasan, Computers and Geosciences, Volume 164, July 2022.
- Time-lapse seismic data inversion for estimating reservoir parameters using deep learning
Harpreet Kaur, Zhi Zhong, Alexander Sun, Sergey Fomel, Interpretation, Volume 10, Issue 1, February 2022.
- Hessian-Based Multiparameter Fractional Viscoacoustic Full-Waveform Inversion
Guangchi Xing, Tieyuan Zhu, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2020, October 2020.
- Decoupled Fréchet Kernels Based on a Fractional Viscoacoustic Wave Equation
Guangchi Xing, Tieyuan Zhu, Geophysics, Volume 87, Issue 1, October 6, 2021.
- Integration of Seismic-Pressure Inversion of Continuous Active-Source Seismic Monitoring Data for Monitoring and Quantifying CO2 Plume
Presented by Tieyuan Zhu, Carbon Management and Oil and Gas Research Project Review Meeting – Carbon Storage, August 9, 2021.
- A viscoelastic model for seismic attenuation using fractal mechanical networks
Guangchi Xing, Tieyuan Zhu, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 224, Issue 3, November 2020.
- Towards real-time monitoring: data assimilated time-lapse full waveform inversion for seismic velocity and uncertainty estimation
Chao Huang, Tieyuan Zhu, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 223, Issue 2, July 2020.
- Modeling Frequency–Independent Q Viscoacoustic Wave Propagation in Heterogeneous Media
Guangchi Xing, Tieyuan Zhu, Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, Volume 124, Issue 11, October 2019.
- Fréchet Kernels Based on a Fractional Viscoacoustic Wave Equation
Guangchi Xing, Tieyuan Zhu, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, September 2019.
- Integration of Seismic-Pressure Inversion of Continuous Active-Source Seismic Monitoring Data for Monitoring and Quantifying CO2 Plume
Presented by Tieyuan Zhu, Addressing the Nation’s Energy Needs through Technology Innovation – 2019 Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage, and Oil and Gas Technologies Integrated Review Meeting, August 27, 2019.
- Passive seismic imaging of subsurface natural fractures: application to Marcellus shale microseismic data
Chao Huang, Tieyuan Zhu, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 218, Issue 2, May 2019.
- Dynamics of geologic CO2 storage and plume motion revealed by seismic coda waves
Tieyuan Zhu, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin, Thomas M. Daley, Chris Marone, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Volume 116, Issue 7, January 2019.
- Integration of Seismic-Pressure Inversion of Continuous Active-Source Seismic Monitoring Data for Monitoring and Quantifying CO2 Plume
Presented by Tieyuan Zhu, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 15, 2018.
- Robust Carbon Dioxide Plume Imaging Using Joint Tomographic Inversion of Seismic Onset Time and Distributed Pressure and Temperature Measurements (Final Report)
Akhil Datta-Gupta, March 25, 2022.
- Inter-well Connectivity Detection in CO2 WAG Projects Using Statistical Recurrent Unit Models
Deepthi Sen, Hongquan Chen, Akhil Datta-Gupta, Fuel, Volume 311, March 2022.
- Machine learning based rate optimization under geologic uncertainty
Deepthi Sen, Hongquan Chen, Akhil Datta-Gupta, Joseph Kwon, Srikanta Mishra, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 207, December 2021.
- Robust Carbon Dioxide Imaging Using Joint Tomographic Inversion of Seismic Onset Time and Distributed Pressure and Temperature Measurements
Presented by Akhil Datta-Gupta, Carbon Management and Oil and Gas Research Project Review Meeting – Carbon Storage, August 9, 2021.
- A Screening Model for Predicting Injection Well Pressure Buildup and Plume Extent in CO2 Geologic Storage Projects
Srikanta Mishra, Priya Ravi Ganesh, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 106, March 2021.
- Injectivity Index: A Powerful Tool for Characterizing CO2 Storage Reservoirs – A Technical Note
Manoj Valluri, Srikanta Mishra, Priya Ravi Ganesh, Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, Volume 11, Issue 2, December 2020.
- Robust Carbon Dioxide Imaging Using Joint Tomographic Inversion of Seismic Onset Time and Distributed Pressure and Temperature Measurements
Presented by Akhil Datta-Gupta, DOE NETL’s 2020 Integrated Project Review Meeting – Carbon Storage, September 10, 2020.
- Interpretation of Bottom-Hole Temperature Data from CO2 Injection Projects
Srikanta Mishra, Laura Keister, Sanjay Mawalkar, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 101, August 2020.
- Integration of time-lapse seismic data using the onset time approach: The impact of seismic survey frequency
Tian Liu, Hongquan Chen, Gill Hetz, Akhil Datta-Gupta, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 189, June 2020.
- Model calibration and optimization of a post-combustion CO2 WAG pilot in a mature oil field
Feyi Olalotiti-Lawal, Tsubasa Onishi, Akhil Datta-Gupta, Yusuke Fujita, Daiki Watanabe, Kenji Hagiwara, Fuel, Volume 255, November 2019.
- Robust Carbon Dioxide Imaging Using Joint Tomographic Inversion of Seismic Onset Time and Distributed Pressure and Temperature Measurements
Presented by Akhil Datta-Gupta, Addressing the Nation’s Energy Needs through Technology Innovation – 2019 Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage, and Oil and Gas Technologies Integrated Review Meeting, August 27, 2019.
- Intelligent Monitoring Systems and Advanced Well Integrity and Mitigation (Final Report)
Julia Correa, Michael Commer, Shan Dou, Barry Freifeld, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin, Todd Wood, Michelle Robertson, Scott McDonald, June 30, 2021.
- Intelligent Monitoring System for Real-time Geologic Storage, Optimization, and Reservoir Management (Task 4 Technical Report)
J. Ole Kaven, September 2021
- Fibre-optic Based DAS Technology for Long-term Seismic Monitoring of Carbon Capture and Storage Projects
Julia Correa, EAGE Workshop on Fibre Optic Sensing for Energy Applications in Asia Pacific, November 2020.
- Intelligent Monitoring Systems and Advanced Well Integrity and Mitigation
Presented by Julia Correa, Addressing the Nation’s Energy Needs through Technology Innovation – 2019 Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage, and Oil and Gas Technologies Integrated Review Meeting, August 29, 2019.
- An Integrated CO2 Monitoring System: First Inversion Result
Michael Commer, Scott McDonald, TOUGH Symposium, October 2018.
- Intelligent Monitoring Systems and Advanced Well Integrity and Mitigation
Presented by Scott McDonald, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 14, 2018.
- Permanent Reservoir Monitoring Using DAS at the ADM site, Decatur, Illinois
Presented by Shan Dou, Scott McDonald, SPE Workshop, August 25, 2017.
- Intelligent Monitoring Systems and Advanced Well Integrity and Mitigation
Presented by Barry Freifeld, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 2, 2017.
- Intelligent Monitoring Systems and Advanced Well Integrity and Mitigation
Presented by Barry Freifeld, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 18, 2016.
- Task 4: Active Reservoir Management
Presented by Tom Buscheck, DOE NETL’s 2020 Integrated Project Review Meeting – Carbon Storage, September 10, 2020.
- Task 4: Active Reservoir Management
Presented by Tom Buscheck, Addressing the Nation’s Energy Needs through Technology Innovation – 2019 Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage, and Oil and Gas Technologies Integrated Review Meeting, August 28, 2019.
- Active CO2 Reservoir Management
Presented by Tom Buscheck, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 19, 2015.
- Task 1: CO2 Storage in Carbonate Reservoirs: Validation of the Permeability Model from Microns to Meters
Presented by Susan Carroll, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 14, 2018.
- Task 1: CO2 Storage in Carbonate Reservoirs
Presented by Susan Carroll, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 3, 2017.
- Project Summary Page
- Joint Inversion of Time-Lapse Seismic Data (Final Report)
César Barajas-Olalde, Donald C. Adams, Lu Jin, Jun He, Nicholas S. Kalenze, John A. Hamling, Charles D. Gorecki, December 2019.
- Joint impedance and facies inversion of time-lapse seismic data for improving monitoring of CO2 incidentally stored from CO2 EOR
César Barajas-Olalde, Alan Mur, Donald C. Adams, Lu Jin, Jun He, John A. Hamling, Charles D. Gorecki, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 112, November 2021.
- Joint Inversion of Time-Lapse Seismic Data
Presented by César Barajas-Olalde, Addressing the Nation’s Energy Needs through Technology Innovation – 2019 Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage, and Oil and Gas Technologies Integrated Review Meeting, August 27, 2019.
- Joint Inversion of Time-Lapse Seismic Data
Presented by César Barajas-Olalde, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 14, 2018.
- Development of a Framework for Data Integration, Assimilation, and Learning for Geological Carbon Sequestration (DIAL-GCS) (Final Report)
Alexander Sun, June 22, 2021.
- Development of a Framework for Data Integration, Assimilation, and Learning for Geological Carbon Sequestration (DIAL-GCS)
Presented by Alexander Sun, DOE NETL’s 2020 Integrated Project Review Meeting – Carbon Storage, September 10, 2020.
- Optimal Carbon Storage Reservoir Management Through Deep Reinforcement Learning
Alexander Y. Sun, Applied Energy, Volume 278, November 2020.
- Efficient Ensemble-Based Stochastic Gradient Methods for Optimization Under Geological Uncertainty
Hoonyoung Jeong, Alexander Y. Sun, Jonghyeon Jeon, Baehyun Min, Daein Jeong, Frontiers in Earth Science, Volume 8, May 2020.
- Inversion of Time-Lapse Seismic Reservoir Monitoring Data Using CycleGAN: A Deep Learning-Based Approach for Estimating Dynamic Reservoir Property Changes
Zhi Shong, Alexander Sun, Xinming Wu, Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, Volume 125, Issue 3, February 2020.
- Development of a Framework for Data Integration, Assimilation, and Learning for Geological Carbon Sequestration (DIAL-GCS)
Presented by Alexander Sun, Addressing the Nation’s Energy Needs through Technology Innovation – 2019 Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage, and Oil and Gas Technologies Integrated Review Meeting, August 29, 2019.
- Predicting CO2 Plume Migration in Heterogeneous Formations Using Conditional Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network
Zhi Zhong, Alexander Y. Sun, Hoonyoung Jeong, Water Resources Research, Volume 55, Issue 7, June 2019.
- Building complex event processing capability for intelligent environmental monitoring
Alexander Y. Sun, Zhi Zhong, Hoonyoung Jeong, Qian Yang, Environmental Modelling & Software, Volume 116, June 2019, Pages 1-6.
- A deep learning approach to anomaly detection in geological carbon sequestration sites using pressure measurements
Zhi Zhong, Alexander Y. Sun, Qian Yang, Qi Ouyang, Journal of Hydrology, Volume 573, June 2019, Pages 885-894.
- Discovering State-Parameter Mappings in Subsurface Models Using Generative Adversarial Networks
Alexander Sun, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 45, Issue 20, October 2018.
- Development of a Framework for Data Integration, Assimilation, and Learning for Geological Carbon Sequestration (DIAL-GCS)
Presented by Alexander Sun, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 14, 2018.
- A learning-based data-driven forecast approach for predicting future reservoir performance
Hoonyoung Jeong, Alexander Y. Sun, Jonghyun Lee, Baeyun Min, Advances in Water Resources, Volume 118, August 2018, Pages 95-109.
- Metamodeling-based approach for risk assessment and cost estimation: Application to geological carbon sequestration planning
Alexander Y. Sun, Hoonyoung Jeong, Ana González-Nicolás, Thomas C. Templeton, Computers & Geosciences, Volume 113, April 2018, Pages 70-80.
- Cost-optimal design of pressure-based monitoring networks for carbon sequestration projects, with consideration of geological uncertainty
Hoonyoung Jeong, Alexander Y. Sun, Xiaodong Zhang, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 71, April 2018, Pages 287-292.
- Development of a Framework for Data Integration, Assimilation, and Learning for Geological Carbon Sequestration (DIAL-GCS)
Presented by Alexander Sun, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 2, 2017.
- A Laboratory Validation Study of the Time-Lapse Oscillatory Pumping Test for Leakage Detection in Geological Repositories
Alexander Y. Sun, Akand Islam, Journal of Hydrology, Volume 548, May 2017, Pages 598-604.
- Development of a Framework for Data Integration, Assimilation, and Learning for Geological Carbon Sequestration (DIAL-GCS)
Presented by Alexander Sun, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 18, 2016.
- Detection of CO2 Leakage and Unknown CO2 Migration Path Using Machine Learning and Ensemble Kalman Filter
Presented by Hoonyoung Jeong, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, Poster Presentation.
- Project Summary Page
- Field Demonstration of The Krauklis Seismic Wave in a Novel MVA Method for Geologic CO2 Storage (Final Report)
Shaughn A. Burnison, Amanda J. Livers-Douglas, Lu Jin, Neil W. Dotzenrod, John A. Hamling, Charlie D. Gorecki, December 2018.
- Field Demonstration of CO2 Injection Monitoring Using Krauklis and Other Guided Waves
Presented by Shaughn Burnison, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 15, 2018.
- Field Demonstration of CO2 Injection Monitoring Using Krauklis and Other Guided Waves
Presented by Shaughn Burnison, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 1, 2017.
- Charged Wellbore Casing Controlled Source Electromagnetics (CSC-CSEM) for Reservoir Imaging and Monitoring (Final Report)
Yaoguo Li, Richard Krahenbuhl, Wallace A. McAliley, Trevor Irons, Nathan Moodie, Brian McPherson, Benjamin Bloss, William Ampomah, Qian Sun, Robert Balch, October 2020.
- Integrated Model Construction for CO2-EOR Monitoring via Charged-Wellbore Casing Controlled-Source Electromagnetics
Richard A. Krahenbuhl, Yaoguo Li, Andy W. McAliley, Nathan Moodie, Trevor Irons, Benjamin R. Bloss, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, August 2019.
- Analysis of Land-Based CSEM Data for CO2 Monitoring at Bell Creek MT
W. Anderson McAliley, Benjamin R. Bloss, Trevor Irons, Nathan Moodie, Richard Krahenbuhl, Yaoguo Li, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, August 2019.
- Time Lapse Charged Wellbore Casing Controlled Source Electromagnetic Surveys for Monitoring Injected Carbon Dioxide
Wallace Anderson McAliley, Richard Krahenbuhl, Trevor Irons, Benjamin Bloss, Nathan Moodie, Yaoguo Li, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, December 2018.
- Devising a Framework to Couple Electromagnetics Geophysical Measurements with Reservoir Simulations to Monitor CO2 Plume Movement
Presented by Nathan Moodie, Trevor Irons, Wallace Anderson McAliley, Richard Krahenbuhl, Yaoguo Lee, Benjamin Bloss, AGU Conference, December 2018.
- Integrating Geophysical Monitoring Data into Multiphase Fluid Flow Reservoir Simulation
Trevor Irons, Brian McPhserson, Nathan Moodie, Richare Krahenbuhl, Yaoguo Li, AEGC 2018 Extended Abstracts, October 2018.
- Charged Wellbore Casing Controlled Source Electromagnetics (CSC-CSEM) for Reservoir Imaging and Monitoring
Presented by Yaoguo Li, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 15, 2018.
- Charged Wellbore Casing Controlled Source Electromagnetics (CSC-CSEM) for Reservoir Imaging and Monitoring
Presented by Yaoguo Li, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 1, 2017.
- Monitoring of CCS/CCUS Using Charged Wellbore CSEM
Presented by Trevor Irons, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, Poster Session.
- Project Summary Page
- Development of Intelligent Monitoring System (IMS) Modules for the Aquistore CO2 Project (Final Report)
Nicholas A. Azzolina, José A. Torres, Saurabh Chimote, Lawrence J. Pekot, Matthew E. Burton-Kelly, Neil W. Dotzenrod, Nicholas W. Bosshart, Chantsalmaa Dalkhaa, Scott C. Ayash, Chunxiao Li, David V. Nakles, Charles D. Gorecki, Heidi M. Vettleson, November 14, 2018.
- Development of Intelligent Monitoring System (IMS) Modules for the Aquistore CO2 Project
Presented by Nick Azzolina, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 14, 2018.
- Geologic Modeling and Simulation of CO2 Storage in the Cloverly Formation, Western Nebraska, USA
Presented by Charles Gorecki, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, Poster Session.
- An Integrated Model for Assessment of Carbon Storage Risk Performance in the Cloverly Formation, Western Nebraska, USA
Presented by José A. Torres, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, Poster Session.
- Development Status of the Intelligent Monitoring System (IMS) Using the Aquistore CO2 Project Data
Presented by José A. Torres, Nicholas A. Azzolina, Lawrence J. Pekot, Chantsalmaa Dalkhaa, T. Jiang, J.T. Kovacevich, Neil W. Dotzenrod, O. Salako, Shaughn Burnison, Annual Aquistore Annual Meeting, September 2017.
- Development of Intelligent Monitoring System (IMS) Modules for the Aquistore CO2 Project
Presented by José A. Torres, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 2, 2017.
- Development of Intelligent Monitoring System (IMS) Modules for the Aquistore CO2 Project
Presented by John Hamling, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 18, 2016.
- Project Summary Page
- Seismic Response to Paleo-Sand Dunes in the Nugget Sandstone Formation, Southwestern Wyoming
Dhruv Agrawal, Brady Lujan, Sumit Verma, Shuvajit Bhattacharya, Subhashis Mallick, Interpretation, Volume 8, Issue 4, November 2020.
- Integrated characterization of CO2 storage reservoirs on the Rock Springs Uplift combining geomechanics, geochemistry, and flow modeling (Final Report)
John Kaszuba, Vladimir Alvarado, Erin Campbell, Dario Grana, Kam Ng, Erin Stoesz, Heng Wang, Hua Yu, December 2018.
- Link Between CO2-Induced Wettability and Pore Architecture Alteration
Heng Wang, Vladimir Alvarado, Erik R. Smith, John P. Kaszuba, Davin A. Bagdonas, J. Fred McLaughlin, and Scott Austin Quillinan, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 47, Issue 18, August 2020.
- A generalized power-law criterion for rocks based on Mohr failure theory
Hua Yu, Kam Ng, Dario Grana, Vladimir Alvarado, John Kaszuba, Erin Campbell, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Volume 128, April 2020.
- Experimental investigation of the effect of compliant pores on reservoir rocks under hydrostatic and triaxial compression stress states
Hua Yu, Kam Ng, Dario Grana, John Kaszuba, Vladimir Alvarado, Erin Campbell, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Volume 56, Issue 7, July 2019.
- Delineation of early Jurassic aged sand dunes and paleo-wind direction in southwestern Wyoming using seismic attributes, inversion, and petrophysical modeling
Sumit Verma, Shuvajit Bhattacharya, Brady Lujan, Dhruv Agrawal, Subhashis Mallick, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Volume 60, December 2018, Pages 1-10.
- Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Characterization of Carbonate and Sandstone Reservoirs from Rock Spring Uplift of Wyoming
Heng Wang, Vladimir Alvarado, J. Fred McLaughlin, Davin A. Bagdonas, John P. Kaszuba, Erin Campbell, and Dario Grana, Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, Volume 123, Issue 9, August 2018.
- Integrated Characterization of CO2 Storage Reservoirs on the Rock Springs Uplift Combining Geomechanics, Geochemistry, and Flow Modeling
Presented by John Kaszuba, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 14, 2018.
- Ionic strength-dependent pre-asymptoic diffusion coefficient distribution in porous media - Determination through the pulsed field gradient technique
Heng Wang, Vladimir Alvarado, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Volume 49, January 2018, Pages 250-259.
- A rock physics and seismic reservoir characterization study of the Rock Springs Uplift, a carbon dioxide sequestration site in Southwestern Wyoming
Dario Grana, Sumit Verma, Josiane Pafeng, Xiaozheng Lang, Hema Sharma, Wenting Wu, Fred McLaughlin, Erin Campbell, Kam Ng, Vladimir Alvarado, Subhashis Mallick, John Kaszuba, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 63, August 2017, Pages 296-309.
- Integrated Characterization of CO2 Storage Reservoirs on the Rock Springs Uplift Combining Geomechanics, Geochemistry, and Flow Modeling
Presented by John Kaszuba, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 2, 2017.
- Integrated Characterization of CO2 Storage Reservoirs on the Rock Springs Uplift Combining Geomechanics, Geochemistry, and Flow Modeling
Presented by Vladimir Alvardo, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 16, 2016.
- Integrated Characterization of CO2 Storage Reservoirs on the Rock Springs Uplift Combining Geomechanics, Geochemistry, and Flow Modeling
Presented by John Kaszuba, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 18, 2015.
- Project Summary Page
- Multiscale Modeling of CO2 Migration and Trapping in Fractured Reservoirs with Validation by Model Comparison and Real-Site Applications (Final Report)
Karl Bandilla, Michael Celia, Florian Doster, Quanlin Zhou, January 18, 2019.
- Vertically integrated dual-continuum models for CO2 injection in fractured geological formations
Yiheang Tao, Bo Guo, Karl Bandilla, Michael Celia, Computational Geosciences, Volume 23, Issue 2, January 2019.
- Multiscale Modeling of Carbon Dioxide Migration and Trapping in Fractured Reservoirs with Validation by Model Comparison and Real-Site Applications
PRESENTPresented by Karl Bandilla, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 14, 2018.
- Assessment of CO2 Storage Potential in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs With Dual–Porosity Models
Rafael March, Florian Doster, Sebastian Geiger, Water Resources Research, Volume 54, Issue 3, February 2018.
- Multiscale Modeling of Carbon Dioxide Migration and Trapping in Fractured Reservoirs with Validation by Model Comparison and Real-Site Applications
Presented by Karl Bandilla, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 2, 2017.
- Accurate early‐time and late‐time modeling of countercurrent spontaneous imbibition
Rafael March, Florian Doster, Sebastian Geiger, Water Resources Research, Volume 52, Issue 8, August 2016.
- Multiscale Modeling of Carbon Dioxide Migration and Trapping in Fractured Reservoirs with Validation by Model Comparison and Real-Site Applications
Presented by Karl Bandilla, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 18, 2016.
- Multiscale Modeling of Carbon Dioxide Migration and Trapping in Fractured Reservoirs with Validation by Model Comparison and Real-Site Applications
Presented by Karl Bandilla, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 20, 2015.
- Project Summary Page
- Quantitative Characterization of Impacts of Coupled Geomechanics and Flow on Safe and Permanent Geological Storage of CO2 in Fractured Aquifers (Final Report)
Philip Winterfeld, Yu-Shu Wu, Timothy Kneafsey, December 31, 2018.
- Quantitative Characterization of Impacts of Coupled Geomechanics and Flow on Safe and Permanent Geological Storage of CO2 in Fractured Aquifers
Presented by Philip Winterfeld, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 14, 2018.
- Quantitative Characterization of Impacts of Coupled Geomechanics and Flow on Safe and Permanent Geological Storage of CO2 in Fractured Aquifers
Presented by Philip Winterfeld, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 2, 2017.
- CO2 Injection-Induced Fracturing in Naturally Fractured Shale Rocks
Lei Wang, Bowen Yao, Haojun Xie, Philip H. Winterfeld, Timothy J. Kneafsey, Xiaolong Yin, Yu-Shu Wu, Energy (Oxford), Volume 139, August 2017, Pages 1094-1110.
- Experimental Investigation of Injection-Induced Fracturing During Supercritical CO2 Sequestration
Lei Wang, Bowen Yao, Haojun Xie, Timothy J. Kneafsey, Philip H. Winterfeld, Xiaolong Yin, Yu-Shu Wu, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 63, May 2017, Pages 107-117.
- Quantitative Characterization of Impacts of Coupled Geomechanics and Flow on Safe and Permanent Geological Storage of CO2 in Fractured Aquifers
Presented by Philip Winterfeld, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 16, 2016.
- Quantitative Characterization of Impacts of Coupled Geomechanics and Flow on Safe and Permanent Geological Storage of CO2 in Fractured Aquifers
Presented by Philip Winterfeld, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 18, 2015.
- Project Summary Page
- Impact of Microstructure on the Containment and Migration of CO2 in Fractured Basalts (Final Report)
Daniel Giammar, Brian Ellis, Sophia Hayes, Philip Skemer, Anne Menefee, Erika Sesti, Rachel Wells, Wei Xiong, July 2018.
- CO2 mineral trapping in fractured basalt
Wei Xiong, Rachel Wells, Anne Menefee, Philip Skemer, Brian Ellis, Daniel Giammar, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 66, November 2017, Pages 204-217.
- Dissolution and surface roughening of Columbia River flood basalt at geologic carbon sequestration conditions
Rachel Wells, Wei Xiong, Daniel Giammar, Philip Skemer, Chemical Geology, Volume 467, September 2017, Pages 100-109.
- A flow-through, elevated-temperature and -pressure NMR apparatus for in-situ CO2 sequestration studies
Erika L. Sesti, Jinlei Cui, Sophia E. Hayes, Mark S. Conradi, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Volume 282, September 2017, Pages 136-141.
- Impact of Microstructure on the Containment and Migration of CO2 in Fractured Basalts
Presented by Daniel Giammar, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 3, 2017.
- Effect of transport limitations and fluid properties on reaction products in fractures of unaltered and serpentinized basalt exposed to high PCO fluids
Jubilee T. Adeoye, Anne Menefee, Wei Xiong, Rachel Wells, Philip Skemer, Daniel Giammar, Brian Ellis, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, August 2017, Pages 310-320.
- Roles of Transport Limitations and Mineral Heterogeneity in Carbonation of Fractured Basalts
Anne Menefee, Peiyuan Li, Daniel Giammar, Brian Ellis, Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 51, Issue 16, July 2017.
- Spatially-variable carbonation reactions in polycrystalline olivine
Rachel Wells, Wei Xiong, Erika L. Sesti, Jinlei Cui, Daniel Giammar, Philip Skemer, Sophia Hayes, Mark S. Conradi, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Volume 204, May 2017, Pages 252-266.
- Carbon Sequestration in Olivine and Basalt Powder Packed Beds
Wei Xiong, Rachel Wells, Daniel Giammar, Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 51, Issue 4, January 2017.
- Evidence from 29Si Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Dissolution Reactions of Forsterite
Jinlei Cui, Erika L. Sesti, Jeremy K. Moore, Daniel E. Giammar, Sophia E. Hayes, Environmental Engineering Science, Volume 33, Issue 10, October 2016.
- Impact of Microstructure on the Containment and Migration of CO2 in Fractured Basalts
Presented by Daniel Giammar, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 18, 2016.
- Impact of Microstructure on the Containment and Migration of CO2 in Fractured Basalts
Presented by Daniel Giammar, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 19, 2015.
- Project Summary Page
- Assessing the Geomechanical Response of CO2 Disposal in Flood Basalt Reservoirs (Final Report)
Ryan M. Pollyea, Sally M. Benson, November 30, 2018.
- A probabilistic assessment of geomechanical reservoir integrity during CO2 sequestration in flood basalt formations
Richard S. Jayne, Hao Wu, Ryan M. Pollyea, Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, Volume 9, Issue 5, August 2019.
- Using Heat as a Predictor of CO2 Breakthrough in Highly Heterogeneous Reservoirs
Richard S. Jayne, Yinqi Zhang, Ryan M. Pollyea, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 46, Issue 11, June 2019.
- A parametric analysis of capillary pressure effects during geologic carbon sequestration in a sandstone reservoir: Modeling and Analysis: A parametric analysis of capillary pressure effects during geologic carbon sequestration
Hao Wu, Richard S. Jayne, Ryan M. Pollyea, Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, Volume 8, Issue 6, September 2018.
- Permeability correlation structure of the Columbia River Plateau and implications for fluid system architecture in continental large igneous provinces
Richard S. Jayne, Ryan M. Pollyea, Geology, Volume 46, Issue 8, July 2018.
- A Probabilistic Assessment of the Geomechanical Response to CO2 Injections in Large Igneous Provinces
Presented by Ryan Pollyea, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 2, 2017.
- Rate equations for modeling carbon dioxide sequestration in basalt
Ryan M. Pollyea, J. Donald Rimstidt, Applied Geochemistry, Volume 81, June 2017, Pages 53-62.
- A Probabilistic Assessment of the Geomechanical Response to CO2 Injections in Large Igneous Provinces
Presented by Ryan Pollyea, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 16, 2016.
- Influence of relative permeability on injection pressure and plume configuration during CO2 injections in a mafic reservoir
Ryan M. Pollyea, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 46, March 2016, Pages 7-17.
- A Probabilistic Assessment of the Geomechanical Response to CO2 Injections in Large Igneous Provinces
Presented by Ryan Pollyea, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 18, 2015.
- Project Summary Page
- Scalable, Automated, Semipermanent Seismic Array (SASSA) for Detecting CO2 Plume Extent During Geological CO2 Injection (Final Report)
Shaughn Burnison, Amanda Livers-Douglas, Cesar Barajas-Olalde, Lu Jin, Heidi Vettleson, John Hamling, Charles Gorecki, December 2017.
- CO2 Injection Monitoring with a Scalable, Automated, Semipermanent Seismic Array (SASSA)
Presented by Amanda Livers, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 1, 2017.
- Scalable, Automated, Semipermanent Seismic Array (SASSA) for Detecting CO2 Extent During Geological CO2 Injection
Presented by John Hamling, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 17, 2016.
- Scalable, Automated, Semipermanent Seismic Array (SASSA) for Detecting CO2 Extent During Geological CO2 Injection
Presented by Shaughn Burnison, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 19, 2015.
- Field Testing of Emerging Technologies: Carbon Management Canada (CMC), Containment and Monitoring Institute (CaMI), Field Research Station (FRS)
Presented by Tom Daley and Barry Freifeld, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 3, 2017.
- Task 2: Field Testing of Emerging Technologies – The Otway Project
Presented by Barry Freifeld, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 1, 2017.
- Task 2: Field Testing of Emerging Technologies – The Otway Project
Presented by Barry Freifeld, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 16, 2016.
- Task 2: Field Testing of Emerging Technologies
Presented by Barry Freifeld, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 19, 2015.
- Field Testing of Emerging Technologies: Task 3: Aquistore Project
Presented by Tom Daley, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 3, 2017.
- Field Testing of Emerging Technologies: Task 3: Aquistore Project
Presented by Tom Daley, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 17, 2016.
- Task 3: Advancing Monitoring Technology
Presented by Tom Daley, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 20, 2015.
- Project Summary Page
- Distributed Fiber Optic Arrays— Integrated Temperature and Seismic Sensing for Detection of CO2 Flow, Leakage and Subsurface Distribution: Final Report
Robert Trautz, Thomas Daley, Barry Freifeld, Paul Cook, Michele Robertson, Thomas Coleman, Joseph Greer, Douglas Miller, December 27, 2018.
- Geophysical monitoring using active seismic techniques at the Citronelle Alabama CO2 storage demonstration site
Robert Trautz, Thomas Daley, Douglas Miller, Michele Robertson, George Koperna Jr., David Riestenberg, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 99, August 2020.
- Distributed Fiber Optic Arrays: Integrated Temperature and Seismic Sensing for Detection of CO2 Flow, Leakage, and Subsurface Distribution
Presented by Robert Trautz, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 1, 2017.
- Distributed Fiber Optic Arrays: Integrated Temperature and Seismic Sensing for Detection of CO2 Flow, Leakage, and Subsurface Distribution
Presented by Robert Trautz, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 18, 2016.
- Distributed Fiber Optic Arrays: Integrated Temperature and Seismic Sensing for Detection of CO2 Flow, Leakage, and Subsurface Distribution
Presented by Robert Trautz, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 19, 2015.
- Project Summary Page
- Deep Controlled Source Electro-Magnetic Sensing: A Cost Effective, Long-Term Tool for Sequestration Monitoring (Final Report)
Douglas LaBrecque, Russel D. Brigham, Conny Schmidt-Hattenburger, Evan Um, Peter Petrov, Thomas Daley, May 2017.
- Deep Controlled Source Electro-Magnetic Sensing: A Cost Effective, Long-Term Tool for Sequestration Monitoring
Presented by Russel Brigham, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 18, 2016.
- Deep Controlled Source Electro-Magnetic Sensing: A Cost Effective, Long-Term Tool for Sequestration Monitoring
Presented by Douglas LaBrecque and Russel Brigham, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 19, 2015.
- Project Summary Page
- SECARB Commercial Scale CO2 Injection and Optimization of Storage Capacity in the Southeastern United States (Final Report)
George Koperna, Jack Pashin, Peter Walsh, October 27, 2017.
- Commercial-Scale CO2 Injection and Optimization of Storage Capacity in the Southeastern United States
Presented by George Koperna, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 17, 2016.
- Commercial-Scale CO2 Injection and Optimization of Storage Capacity in the Southeastern United States
Presented by George Koperna, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 18, 2015.
- Project Summary Page
- Enhanced Simulation Tools to Improve Predictions and Performance of Geologic Storage: Coupled Modeling of Fault Poromechanics, and High-Resolution Simulation of CO2 Migration and Trapping (Final Report)
Ruben Juanes, December 31, 2016.
- Two sides of a fault: Grain-scale analysis of pore pressure control on fault slip
Zhibing Yang, Ruben Juanes, Physical Review E, Volume 97, Issue 2, February 2018.
- Wettability control on multiphase flow in patterned microfluidics
Benzhong Zhao, Christopher W. MacMinn, Ruben Juanes, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Volume 113, Issue 37, August 2016.
- Enhanced Simulation Tools to Improve Predictions and Performance of Geologic Storage: Coupled Modeling of Fault Poromechanics, and High-Resolution Simulation of CO2 Migration and Trapping
Presented Ruben Juanes, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 18, 2016.
- Enhanced Simulation Tools to Improve Predictions and Performance of Geologic Storage: Coupled Modeling of Fault Poromechanics, and High-Resolution Simulation of CO2 Migration and Trapping
Presented Ruben Juanes, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 19, 2015.
- An empirical study of the distribution of earthquakes with respect to rock type and depth
Yuval Tal, Bradford H. Hager, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 42, Issue 18, August 2015.
- Project Summary Page
- Model Complexity and Choice of Model Approaches for Practical Simulations of CO2 Injection, Migration, Leakage, and Long-Term Fate (Final Report)
Michael A. Celia, December 30, 2016.
- A guideline for appropriate application of vertically-integrated modeling approaches for geologic carbon storage modeling
Karl W. Bandilla, Bo Guo, Michael A. Celia, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 91, December 2019.
- Semi-Analytic Solutions for Enhanced Water Recovery Modeling
Presented by Karl Bandilla, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, Poster Session.
- Flow regime analysis for geologic CO2 sequestration and other subsurface fluid injections
Bo Guo, Zhong Zheng, Karl W. Bandilla, Michael A. Celia, Howard A. Stone, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 53, October 2016, Pages 284-291.
- Model Complexity and Choice of Model Approaches for Practical Simulations of CO2 Injection, Migration, Leakage, and Long-Term Fate
Presented by Karl Bandilla, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 18, 2016.
- Axisymmetric flows from fluid injection into a confined porous medium
Bo Guo, Zhong Zheng, Michael A. Celia, Howard A. Stone, Physics of Fluids, Volume 28, Issue 2, February 2016.
- Model Complexity and Choice of Model Approaches for Practical Simulations of CO2 Injection, Migration, Leakage, and Long-Term Fate
Presented by Karl Bandilla, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 18, 2015.
- Project Summary Page
- Optimizing and Quantifying CO2 Storage Resource in Saline Formations and Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
Nicholas W. Bosshart, Scott C. Ayash, Nicholas A. Azzolina, Wesley D. Peck, Charles D. Gorecki, Jun Ge, Tao Jiang, Matthew E. Burton-Kelly, Parker W. Anderson, Neil W. Dotzenrod, Andrew J. Gorz, June 2017.
- Optimizing and Quantifying CO2 Storage Resource in Saline Formations and Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
Presented by Charles Gorecki, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 17, 2016.
- Quantifying the effects of depositional environment on deep saline formation CO2 storage efficiency and rate
Nicholas W. Bosshart, Nicholas A. Azzolina, Scott C. Ayash, Wesley D. Peck, Charles D. Gorecki, Jun Ge, Tao Jiang, Neil W. Dotzenrod, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 69, February 2018, Pages 8-19.
- Quantifying CO2 storage efficiency factors in hydrocarbon reservoirs: A detailed look at CO2 enhanced oil recovery
Wesley D. Peck, Nicholas A. Azzolina, Jun Ge, Nicholas W. Bosshart, Matthew E. Burton-Kelly, Charles D. Gorecki, Andrew J. Gorz, Scott C. Ayash, David V. Nakles, L. Stephen Melzer, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 69, February 2018, Pages 41-51.
- Optimizing and Quantifying CO2 Storage Capactity/Resource in Saline Formations and Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
Presented by Wesley Peck, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 18, 2015.
- CO2 storage associated with CO2 enhanced oil recovery: A statistical analysis of historical operations
Nicholas A. Azzolina, David V. Nakles, Charles D. Gorecki, Wesley D. Peck, Scott C. Ayash, L. Stephen Melzer, Sumon Chatterjee, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 37, June 2015, Pages 384-397.
- Project Summary Page
- Optimizing accuracy of determinations of CO₂ storage capacity and permanence, and designing more efficient storage operations: An example from the Rock Springs Uplift, Wyoming (Final Report)
Ramsey Bentley, Shanna Dahl, Allory Deiss, Andrew Duguid, Yuri Ganshin, Zunsheng Jiao, Scott Quillinan, December 2015.
- Optimizing accuracy of determinations of CO₂ storage capacity and permanence, and designing more efficient CO2 storage operations: An example from the Rock Springs Uplift, Wyoming
Presented by Fred McLaughlin, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 18, 2015.
- Project Summary Page
- Radiocarbon as a Reactive Tracer for Tracking Permanent CO2 Storage in Basaltic Rock
Juerg M. Matter, Martin Stute, Peter Schlosser, Wallace Broecker, December 31, 2015.
- Rapid CO2 mineralisation into calcite at the CarbFix storage site quantified using calcium isotopes
Philip A.E. Pogge von Strandmann, Kevin W. Burton, Sandra O. Snæbjörnsdóttir, Bergur Sigfússon, Edda S. Aradóttir, Ingvi Gunnarsson, Helgi A. Alfredsson, Kiflom G. Mesfin, Eric H. Oelkers, Sigurður R. Gislason, Nature Communications, Volume 10, Issue 1, April 2019.
- Using stable Mg isotope signatures to assess the fate of magnesium during the in situ mineralisation of CO2 and H2S at the CarbFix site in SW-Iceland
Eric H. Oelkers, Rhiannon Butcher, Philip A.E. Pogge von Strandmann, Jan A. Schuessler, Friedhelm von Blanckenburg, Sandra Ó. Snæbjörnsdóttir, Kiflom Mesfin, Edda Sif Aradóttir, Ingvi Gunnarsson, Bergur Sigfússon, Einar Gunnlaugsson, Juerg M. Matter, Martin Stute, Sigurdur R. Gislason, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Volume 245, January 2019, Pages 542-555.
- The rapid and cost-effective capture and subsurface mineral storage of carbon and sulfur at the CarbFix2 site
Ingvi Gunnarsson, Edda S. Aradóttir, Eric H. Oelkers, Deirdre E. Clark, Magnús Þór Arnarson, Bergur Sigfússon, Sandra Ó. Snæbjörnsdóttir, Juerg M. Matter, Martin Stute, Bjarni M. Júlíusson, Sigurður R. Gíslason, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 79, December 2018, Pages 117-126.
- Assessing the carbon sequestration potential of basalt using X-ray micro-CT and rock mechanics
Ben Callow, Ismael Falcon-Suarez, Sharif Ahmed, Juerg Matter, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 70, March 2018, Pages 146-156.
- Reaction path modelling of in-situ mineralisation of CO2 at the CarbFix site at Hellisheidi, SW-Iceland
Sandra Ó. Snæbjörnsdóttir, Sigurdur R. Gislason, Iwona M. Galeczka, Eric H. Oelkers, Gislason, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Volume 220, January 2018, Pages 348-366.
- High reactivity of deep biota under anthropogenic CO2 injection into basalt
Rosalia Trias, Bénédicte Ménez, Paul le Campion, Yvan Zivanovic, Léna Lecourt, Aurélien Lecoeuvre, Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin, Jenny Uhl, Sigurður R. Gislason, Helgi A. Alfreðsson, Kiflom G. Mesfin, Sandra Ó. Snæbjörnsdóttir, Edda S. Aradóttir, Ingvi Gunnarsson, Juerg M. Matter, Martin Stute, Eric H. Oelkers, Emmanuelle Gérard, Nature Communications, Volume 8, October 2017.
- The chemistry and saturation states of subsurface fluids during the in situ mineralisation of CO2 and H2S at the CarbFix site in SW-Iceland
Sandra Ó. Snæbjörnsdóttir, Eric H. Oelkers, Kiflom Mesfin, Edda Sif Aradóttir, Knud Dideriksen, Ingvi Gunnarsson, Juerg M. Matter, Martin Stute, Sigurður R. Gíslason, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 58, March 2017, Pages 87-102.
- Radiocarbon as a Reactive Tracer for Tracking Permanent CO2 Storage in Basaltic Rock
Presented by Martin Stute, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 19, 2015.
- Project Summary Page
- An advanced joint inversion system for CO2 storage modeling with large data sets for characterization and real-time monitoring-enhancing storage performance and reducing failure risks under uncertainties (Final Report)
Peter Kitanidis, April 30, 2016.
- Optimal estimation and scheduling in aquifer management using the rapid feedback control method
Hojat Ghorbanidehno, Amalia Kokkinaki, Peter K. Kitanidis, Eric Darve, Advances in Water Resources, Volume 110, December 2017, Pages 310-318.
- Smoothing-based compressed state Kalman filter for joint state-parameter estimation: Applications in reservoir characterization and CO2 storage monitoring
Y. J. Li, Amalia Kokkinaki, Eric F. Darve, Peter K. Kitanidis, Water Resources Research, Volume 53, Issue 8, June 2017.
- Real-time data assimilation for large-scale systems: The spectral Kalman filter
Hojat Ghorbanidehno, Amalia Kokkinaki, Judith Yue Li, Eric Darve, Peter K. Kitanidis, Advances in Water Resources, Volume 86, Part B, December 2015, Pages 260-272.
- Compressed state Kalman filter for large systems
Peter Kitanidis, Advances in Water Resources, Volume 76, February 2015, Pages 120-126.
- The compressed state Kalman filter for nonlinear state estimation: Application to large-scale reservoir monitoring
Judith Yue Li, Amalia Kokkinaki, Hojat Ghorbanidehno, Eric F. Darve, Peter K. Kitanidis, Water Resources Research, Volume 51, Issue 12, December 2015.
- Advanced joint inversion of large data sets for characterization and real-time monitoring-of CO2 storage systems
Presented by Peter Kitanidis, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 20, 2015.
- Principal Component Geostatistical Approach for large-dimensional inverse problems
Peter Kitanidis, J. Lee, Water Resources Research, Volume 50, Issue 7, July 2014.
Plume Detection and Storage Efficiency publications include available reports and presentations. Last update: November 26, 2024.
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