Wellbore Integrity Publications
Active Projects
- Data Driven Approaches for Understanding Well Integrity
Presented by Greg Lackey, 2023 FECM/NETL Carbon Management Research Project Review Meeting, August 28, 2023.
- Task 19: Reactive Flow-Through Experiments: A Look at Foamed and CO2 Resistant Cements
Presented by Rick Spaulding, Carbon Management Project Review Meeting – Carbon Transport and Storage, August 16, 2022.
- Reactive Flow Through Experiments – A Look at Foamed Cement and CO2 Resistant Cement
Presented by Barbara Kutchko, Addressing the Nation’s Energy Needs through Technology Innovation – 2019 Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage, and Oil and Gas Technologies Integrated Review Meeting, August 29, 2019.
- Task 7: Wellbore Integrity and Mitigation: Foamed Cement Interactions with CO2
Presented by Richard Spaulding, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 3, 2017.
- Task 7: Wellbore Integrity and Mitigation: Foamed Cement Interactions with CO2
Presented by Barbara Kutchko, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 17, 2016.
Archived Projects
- Embedded Sensor Technology Suite for Wellbore Integrity Monitoring
Presented by Ruishu Wright, Carbon Management and Oil and Gas Research Project Review Meeting – Carbon Storage, August 11, 2021.
- Embedded Sensor Technology Suite for Wellbore Integrity Monitoring
Presented by Ruishu Wright, DOE NETL’s 2020 Integrated Project Review Meeting – Carbon Storage, September 9, 2020.
- Embedded Sensor Technology Suite for Wellbore Integrity Monitoring
Presented by Paul Ohodnicki, Addressing the Nation’s Energy Needs through Technology Innovation – 2019 Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage, and Oil and Gas Technologies Integrated Review Meeting, August 29, 2019.
- Embedded Sensor Technology Suite for Wellbore Integrity Monitoring
Presented by Paul Ohodnicki, Addressing the Nation’s Energy Needs through Technology Innovation – 2019 Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage, and Oil and Gas Technologies Integrated Review Meeting, Poster Session.
- Embedded Sensor Technology Suite for Wellbore Integrity Monitoring
Presented by Paul Ohodnicki, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 14, 2018.
- Embedded Sensor Technology Suite for Wellbore Integrity Monitoring
2018 Technical presentations.
- Autonomous Monitoring of Wellbore Integrity Applying Time-Reverse Nonlinear-Elastic Wave Spectroscopy and Fiber Optic Sensing Communication
Presented by Carly Donahue, Carbon Management Project Review Meeting – Carbon Transport and Storage, August 16, 2022.
- Distributed Acoustic Sensing Based on Coherent Microwave Photonics Interferometry
Liwei Hua, Xuran Zhu, Baokai Cheng, Yang Song, Qi Zhang, Yongji Wu, Lawrence C. Murdoch, Erin R. Dauson, Carly M. Donahue, Hai Xiao, Sensors, Volume 21, Issue 20, October 2021.
- Autonomous Monitoring of Wellbore Integrity Applying Time Reverse Nonlinear Elastic Wave Spectroscopy and Fiber Optic Sensing Communication
Presented by Paul Johnson, DOE NETL’s 2020 Integrated Project Review Meeting – Carbon Storage, September 9, 2020.
- Autonomous Monitoring of Wellbore Integrity Applying Time Reverse Nonlinear Elastic Wave Spectroscopy and Fiber Optic Sensing Communication
Presented by Paul Johnson and Carly Donahue, Addressing the Nation’s Energy Needs through Technology Innovation – 2019 Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage, and Oil and Gas Technologies Integrated Review Meeting, August 29, 2019.
- Autonomous Monitoring of Wellbore Integrity Applying Time Reverse Nonlinear Elastic Wave Spectroscopy and Fiber Optic Sensing Communication
Presented by Carly Donahue, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 14, 2018.
- High-Resolution 3D Acoustic Borehole Integrity Monitoring System
Presented by Cristian Pantea, Final Project Presentation, September 27, 2021.
- Report Q3FY21 - High-Resolution 3D Acoustic Borehole Integrity Monitoring
Cristian Pantea, Quarterly Research Performance Progress Report, August 18, 2021.
- High-Resolution 3D Acoustic Borehole Integrity Monitoring System
Presented by Cristian Pantea, Carbon Management and Oil and Gas Research Project Review Meeting – Carbon Storage, August 11, 2021.
- High-Resolution 3D Acoustic Borehole Integrity Monitoring (Research Performance Progress Report Q2 2021)
Cristian Pantea, Quarterly Research Performance Progress Report, May 24, 2021.
- High-Resolution 3D Acoustic Borehole Integrity Monitoring System
Presented by Cristian Pantea, DOE NETL’s 2020 Integrated Project Review Meeting – Carbon Storage, September 9, 2020.
- High-Resolution 3D Acoustic Borehole Integrity Monitoring System
Presented by Cristian Pantea, Addressing the Nation’s Energy Needs through Technology Innovation – 2019 Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage, and Oil and Gas Technologies Integrated Review Meeting, August 29, 2019.
- High-Resolution 3D Acoustic Borehole Integrity Monitoring System
Presented by Cristian Pantea, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 14, 2018.
- Time reversal methods for the detection and monitoring of CO2/brine leakage pathways in wellbore systems
Presented by Carly Donahue, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 14, 2018.
- Nonlinear Acoustic Methods for the Detection and Monitoring of CO2/Brine Leakage Pathways in Wellbore Systems
Presented by Pierre-Yves Le Bas, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 3, 2017.
- Nonlinear Acoustic Methods for the Detection and Monitoring of CO2/Brine Leakage Pathways in Wellbore Systems
Presented by Pierre-Yves Le Bas, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 16, 2016.
- Project Summary Page
- Wellbore Leakage Mitigation Using Advanced Mineral Precipitation Strategies (Final Report)
Adrienne Phillips, Robin Gerlach, Lee Spangler, Al Cunningham, Rainer Helmig, Johannes Hommel, Randy Hiebert, Brian Park, Jay McCloskey, Robert Hyatt, January 5, 2021.
- Wellbore Leakage Mitigation Using Advanced Mineral Precipitation Strategies
Presented by Adrienne Phillips, DOE NETL’s 2020 Integrated Project Review Meeting – Carbon Storage, September 9, 2020.
- A Numerical Model for Enzymatically Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation
Johannes Hommel, Arda Akyel, Zachary Frieling, Adrienne Phillips, Robin Gerlach, Alfred Cunningham, Holger Class, Applied Sciences, Volume 10, Issue 13, June 2020.
- Wellbore Leakage Mitigation Using Advanced Mineral Precipitation Strategies
Presented by Adrienne Phillips, Addressing the Nation’s Energy Needs through Technology Innovation – 2019 Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage, and Oil and Gas Technologies Integrated Review Meeting, August 29, 2019.
- Wellbore Leakage Mitigation Using Advanced Mineral Precipitation Strategies
Presented by Adrienne Phillips, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 14, 2018.
- Overview of Experimental Systems and Approaches Supporting In Situ Mineral Precipitation Research and Development at the Center for Biofilm Engineering-Montana State University
Presented by Robin Gerlach, Adrienne Phillips, Alfred Cunningham, Randy Hiebert, 10th International Conference on Porous Media (Interpore), May 14, 2018.
- Visualizing and Quantifying Biomineralization in Wellbore Analog Reactors
Presented by Drew Norton, Catherine Kirkland, Joe Eldring, Alfred Cunningham, Robin Gerlach, 10th International Conference on Porous Media (Interpore), May 14, 2018.
- Wellbore Leakage Mitigation Using Advanced Mineral Precipitation Strategies
Presented by Adrienne Phillips, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 2, 2017.
- Wellbore Leakage Mitigation Using Advanced Mineral Precipitation Strategies
Presented by Adrienne Phillips, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 17, 2016.
- Task 7: Well Integrity Atlas – Well Integrity R&D Needs in CO2 Storage/CO2-EOR Projects
Presented by Jaisree Iyer, DOE NETL’s 2020 Integrated Project Review Meeting – Carbon Storage, September 9, 2020.
- Task 7: Well Integrity – Response from Storage and EOR Operators
Presented by Susan Carroll, Addressing the Nation’s Energy Needs through Technology Innovation – 2019 Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage, and Oil and Gas Technologies Integrated Review Meeting, August 29, 2019.
- Task 3: Impact of Thermal Stress on Wellbore Integrity
Presented by Pratanu Roy, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 17, 2016.
- Project Summary Page
- Nanoparticle Injection Technology for Remediating Leaks of CO2 Storage Formation (Final Report)
Yunping Xi, Tom Dewers, Mija Hubler, Pania Newell, Jiri Nemecek, Linfei Li, Yige Zhang, Shahlaa Al Wakeel, David Culp, Bang He, December 30, 2019.
- Experimental study on nanoparticle injection by using a lab-scale wellbore system
Linfei Li, Yige Zhang, Mija H. Hubler, Yunping Xi, Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume 127, March 2022
- Numerical Modeling of the Injection of Nanoparticles in Saturated Cementitious Material by Electromigration
Linfei Li, Mohamed Abdelrahman, Mija H. Hubler, Yunping Xi, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Volume 147, Issue 9, September 2021.
- Experimental study on nanoparticle injection technology for remediating leaks in the cement from wellbore systems
Linfei Li, Yige Zhang, Mija H. Hubler, Yunping Xi, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 203, August 2021.
- Theoretical modeling on chemical composition and mechanical properties of well cement under carbonation reactions
Linfei Li, Mija H. Hubler, Yunping Xi, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 276, December 2020.
- Experimental and theoretical study of the restrained shrinkage cracking of early age well cement
Yige Zhang, Linfei Li, Yunping Xi, Mija H. Hubler, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 262, November 2020.
- Modeling the corrosion of steel casing and the damage of well cement in a borehole system
Linfei Li, Mija H. Hubler, Yunping Xi, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 259, October 2020.
- Multi-physics modeling of injected nanoparticles effect on remediation of CO2 leakage through cracks
Bang He, Pania Newell, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 95, April 2020.
- Nanoparticle Injection Technology for Remediating Leaks of CO2 Storage Formation
Presented by Mija Hubler, Addressing the Nation’s Energy Needs through Technology Innovation – 2019 Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage, and Oil and Gas Technologies Integrated Review Meeting, August 29, 2019.
- The effect of introducing nanoparticles on the fracture toughness of well cement paste
Shahlaa Al Wakeel, Jiří Němeček, Linfei Li, Yunping Xi, Mija Hubler, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 84, May 2019, Pages 147-153.
- Nanoparticle Injection Technology for Remediating Leaks of CO2 Storage Formation
Presented by Yunping Xi, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 14, 2018.
- Electrokinetic nanoparticle injection for remediating leaks in oil well cement
Jiří Němeček, Linfei Li, Yunping Xi, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 156, December 2017, Pages 63-72.
- Nanoparticle Injection Technology for Remediating Leaks of CO2 Storage Formation
Presented by Yunping Xi, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 2, 2017.
- Nanoparticle Injection Technology for Remediating Leaks of CO2 Storage Formation
Presented by Yunping Xi, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 17, 2016.
- Project Summary Page
- Programmable Sealant-Loaded Mesoporous Nanoparticles for Gas/Liquid Leakage Mitigation (Final Report)
Rouzbeh Shahsavari, December 31, 2020.
- Programmable Sealant-Loaded Mesoporous Nanoparticles for Gas/Liquid Leakage Mitigation
Presented by Rouzbeh Shahsavari, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 15, 2018.
- Programmable Sealant-Loaded Mesoporous Nanoparticles for Gas/Liquid Leakage Mitigation
Presented by Rouzbeh Shahsavari, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 3, 2017.
- Programmable Sealant-Loaded Mesoporous Nanoparticles for Gas/Liquid Leakage Mitigation
Presented by Rouzbeh Shahsavari, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 17, 2016.
- Project Summary Page
- Experimental validation of self-sealing in wellbore cement fractures exposed to high-pressure, CO2-saturated solutions
Phong Nguyen, George D. Guthrie Jr., J. William Carey, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 100, September 2020.
- Experimental Study of Self-Sealing in Portland Cement
Presented by Bill Carey, Addressing the Nation’s Energy Needs through Technology Innovation – 2019 Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage, and Oil and Gas Technologies Integrated Review Meeting, August 29, 2019.
- LANL’s Sequestration Activities: Long-Term Wellbore and Caprock Seal Integrity
Presented by Bill Carey, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 15, 2018.
- LANL’s Sequestration Activities: Long-Term Wellbore and Caprock Seal Integrity
Presented by Bill Carey, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 3, 2017.
- Hydrated Portland Cement as a Carbonic Cement: The Mechanisms, Dynamics, and Implications of Self-Sealing and CO2 Resistance in Wellbore Cements
Presented by George Guthrie, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, Poster Session.
- Wellbore and Seal Integrity: Experimental Studies of Fracture and Permeability of Shale Caprock
Presented by Bill Carey, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 17, 2016.
- Wellbore and Seal Integrity: Experimental Studies of Fracture and Permeability of Shale Caprock
Presented by Bill Carey, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 19, 2015.
- Project Summary Page
- Targeted Mineral Carbonation to Enhance Wellbore Integrity (Final Report)
Andres Clarens, Catherine Peters, September 30, 2019.
- Sealing Porous Media through Calcium Silicate Reactions with CO2 to Enhance the Security of Geologic Carbon Sequestration
Florence T. Ling, Dan A. Plattenberger, Catherine A. Peters, Andres F. Clarens, Environmental Engineering Science (Online), Volume 38, Issue 3, March 2021.
- Feasibility of using reactive silicate particles with temperature-responsive coatings to enhance the security of geologic carbon storage
Dan Plattenberger, Tyler Brown, Florence T. Ling, Xiaotong Lyu, Jeffrey P. Fitts, Catherine A. Peters, Andres F. Clarens, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 95, February 2020.
- Calcium Silicate Crystal Structure Impacts Reactivity with CO2 and Precipitate Chemistry
Dan A. Plattenberger, Florence T. Ling, Zhiyuan Tao, Catherine A. Peters, Andres F. Clarens, Environmental Science & Technology Letters (Online), Volume 5, Issue 9, August 2018.
- Targeted Mineral Carbonation to Enhance Wellbore Integrity
Presented by Catherine Peters, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 14, 2018.
- Targeted Mineral Carbonation to Enhance Wellbore Integrity
Presented by Andres Clarens, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 2, 2017.
- Feasibility of Carbonation Reactions to Control Permeability in the Deep Subsurface
Zhiyuan Tao, Jeffrey P. Fitts, Andres F. Clarens, Environmental Engineering Science, Volume 33, Issue 10, October 2016.
- Targeted Mineral Carbonation to Enhance Wellbore Integrity
Presented by Andres Clarens, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 17, 2016.
- Project Summary Page
- Integrated Wellbore Integrity Analysis Program for CO2 Storage Applications (Final Report)
Joel R. Sminchak, September 28, 2018.
- Integrated Wellbore Integrity Analysis Program for CO2 Storage Applications
Presented by Joel Sminchak, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 15, 2018.
- Integrated Wellbore Integrity Program: Results on Testing CO2 Wells for Defects
Presented by Joel Sminchak, 2018 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, Poster Session
- Integrated Wellbore Integrity Analysis Program for CO2 Storage Applications
Presented by Mark Moody, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 3, 2017.
- Integrated Wellbore Integrity Analysis Program for CO2 Storage Applications
Presented by Mark Moody, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 17, 2016.
- Project Summary Page
- Wellbore Seal Repair Using Nanocomposite Materials (Final Report)
John Stormont, November 21, 2016.
- A new polymer nanocomposite repair material for restoring wellbore seal integrity
Moneeb Genedy, Usama F. Kandil, Edward N. Matteo, John Stormont, Mahmoud M. Reda Taha, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 58, March 2017, Pages 290-298.
- Wellbore Seal Repair Using Nanocomposite Materials
Presented by John Stormont, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 17, 2016.
- Wellbore Seal Repair Using Nanocomposite Materials
Presented by Edward N. Matteo, John C. Stormont, Mahmoud Reda Taha, U.S. DOE National Laboratories Workshop on Well Integrity for Natural Gas Storage in Depleted Reservoirs and Aquifers, June 1, 2016.
- Wellbore Seal Repair Using Nanocomposite Materials
Presented by John Stormont, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 20, 2015.
- Geomechanical Modeling to Predict Wellbore Stresses and Strains for the Design of Wellbore Seal Repair Materials for Use at a CO2 Injection Site
Steven R. Sobolik, Steven Paul Gomez, Edward N. Matteo, Thomas Dewers, Pania Newell, John Stormont, Mahmoud Taha, 49th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, February 2, 2015.
- Geomechanical Modeling to Predict Wellbore Stresses and Strains for the Design of Wellbore Seal Repair Materials
Presented by Edward N. Matteo, Steven R. Sobolik, Thomas A. Dewers, Steven P. Gomez, John C. Stormont, Mahmoud Reda Taha, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 1, 2013.
- Wellbore Seal Repair Using Nanocomposite Materials
Presented by John Stormont and Mahmoud Reda Taha, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 1, 2013.
- Numerical and Experimental Design of Wellbore Seal Repair Material Using Nanocomposites
Presented by Edward Matteo, John C. Stormont, Mahmoud Taha, Thomas A. Dewers, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, Poster Session.
- Project Summary Page
- Statistical Analysis of CO2 Exposed Wells to Predict Long Term Leakage Through the Development of an Integrated Neural-Genetic-Algorithm (Final Report)
Boyun Guo, Andrew Duguid, Ronar Nygaard, July 2017.
- Well Integrity Assessment of CFU31-F2 and CFU31F3
Andrew Duguid, May 29, 2017.
- Monitoring well integrity at the Cranfield field phase III CO2 storage project
Andrew Duguid, Boyun Guo, Runar Nygaard, TS Ramakrishnan, Nikita Chugunov, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 109, July 2021.
- Prediction of CO2 leakage risk for wells in carbon sequestration fields with an optimal artificial neural network
Ben Li, Fujian Zhou, Hui Li, Andrew Duguid, Liyong Que, Yanpeng Xue, Yanxin Tan, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 68, January 2018, Pages 276-286.
- Effect of cement sheath induced stress on well integrity assessment in carbon sequestration fields
Ben Li, Hui Li, Fujian Zhou, Boyun Guo, Xinhui Chang, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Volume 46, October 2017, Pages 132-142.
- A numerical study on the feasibility of evaluating CO2 injection wellbore integrity through casing deformation monitoring: Modeling and Analysis: Evaluate CO2 injection wellbore integrity through casing deformation monitoring
Yurong Li, Runar Nygaard, Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, Volume 8, Issue 1, October 2017.
- Development of Criteria to Identify the Leakage Potential of Wells in Depleted Oil and Gas Fields for CO2 Geological Sequestration
Presented by Muhammed Zulqarnain, 2017 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation, Partnerships and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, Poster Session.
- Prediction of the maximum allowable bottom hole pressure in CO2 injection wells
Boyun Guo, Na Wei, Jinze Song, Jim Lee, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 156, July 2017, Pages 575-581.
- Statistical Analysis of CO2 Exposed Wells to Predict Long Term Leakage Through the Development of an Integrated Neural-Genetic Algorithm
Presented by Boyun Guo, 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting, August 17, 2016.
- An analytical solution to simulate the effect of cement/formation stiffness on well integrity evaluation in carbon sequestration projects
Ben Li, Boyun Guo, Hui Li, Yucai Shi, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Volume 27, Part 2, November 2015, Pages 1092-1099.
- Statistical Analysis of CO2 Exposed Wells to Predict Long Term Leakage Through the Development of an Integrated Neural-Genetic Algorithm
Presented by Boyun Guo, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 19, 2015.
- Project Summary Page
- Field Test and Evaluation of Engineered Biomineralization Technology for Sealing Existing Wells (Final Report)
Alfred Cunningham, December 21, 2015.
- Controlling the Distribution of Microbially Precipitated Calcium Carbonate in Radial Flow Environments
Neerja M. Zambare, Ellen G. Lauchnor, Robin Gerlach, Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 53, Issue 10, April 2019.
- Kinetics of calcite precipitation by ureolytic bacteria under aerobic and anaerobic conditions
Andrew C. Mitchell, Erika J. Espinosa-Ortiz, Stacy L. Parks, Adrienne J. Phillips, Alfred B. Cunningham, Robin Gerlach, Biogeosciences (Online), Volume 16, Issue 10, May 2019.
- Investigating the Influence of the Initial Biomass Distribution and Injection Strategies on Biofilm-Mediated Calcite Precipitation in Porous Media
Johannes Hommel, Ellen Lauchnor, Robin Gerlach, Alfred B. Cunningham, Anozie Ebigbo, Rainer Helmig, Holger Class, Transport in Porous Media, Volume 114, Issue 2, December 2015.
- Estimation of a biofilm-specific reaction rate: kinetics of bacterial urea hydrolysis in a biofilm
James M Connolly, Benjamin Jackson, Adam P Rothman, Isaac Klapper, Robin Gerlach, npj Biofilms and Microbiomes, Volume 1, Issue 1, September 2015.
- Field Test and Evaluation of Engineered Biomineralization Technology for Sealing Existing Wells
Presented by Robin Gerlach, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 20, 2015.
- A revised model for microbially induced calcite precipitation: Improvements and new insights based on recent experiments
Johannes Hommel, Ellen Lauchnor, Adrienne Phillips, Robin Gerlach, Alfred B. Cunningham, Rainer Helmig, Anozie Ebigbo, Holger Class, Water Resources Research, Volume 51, Issue 5, May 2015.
- Whole cell kinetics of ureolysis by S porosarcina pasteurii
E.G. Lauchnor, D.M. Topp, A.E. Parker, R. Gerlach, Journal of Applied Microbiology, Volume 118, Issue 6, April 2015.
- Project Summary Page
- Systematic Assessment of Wellbore Integrity for Carbon Storage Projects Using Regulatory and Industry Information (Final Report)
Mark Moody, Joel R. Sminchak, November 2015.
- Comparative wellbore integrity evaluation across a complex of oil and gas fields within the Michigan Basin and implications for CO2 storage
Autumn Haagsma, Stephanie Weber, Mark Moody, Joel Sminchak, Jacqueline Gerst, Neeraj Gupta, Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, Volume 7, Issue 5, August 2016.
- Wellbore integrity factors for CO2 storage in oil and gas producing areas in the Midwest United States
Joel R. Sminchak, Mark Moody, Neeraj Gupta, Glenn Larsen, Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2016.
- Systematic Assessment of Wellbore Integrity for Carbon Storage Projects Using Regulatory and Industry Information
Presented by Mark Moody, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 19, 2015.
- Project Summary Page
- AREA 2: Novel Materials for Robust Repair of Leaky Wellbores in CO2 Storage Formations (Final Report)
Matthew T. Balhoff, Shayan Tavassoli, Jostine Fei Ho, April 30, 2016.
- An experimental and numerical study of wellbore leakage mitigation using pH-triggered polymer gelant
Shayan Tavassoli, Jostine Fei Ho, Mohammadreza Shafiei, Chun Huh, Paul Bommer, Steven Bryant, Matthew T. Balhoff, Fuel, Volume 217, April 2018, Pages 444-457.
- Novel Materials for Robust Repair of Leaky Wellbores in CO2 Storage Formations
Presented by Matt Balhoff, Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, August 20, 2015.
- Quantification of Wellbore Leakage Risk Using Non-Destructive Borehole Logging Techniques (Final Report)
Andrew Duguid, Robert Butsch, J. William Carey, Michael A. Celia, Nikita Chugunov, Sarah Gasda, Susan Hovorka, T.S Ramakrishnan, Vicki Stamp, Rebecca Thingelstad, and James Wang, August 29, 2014.
Wellbore Integrity publications include available reports and presentations. Publications are updated annually. Last update: November 27, 2024.
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