Gasification Systems

The DOE Gasification Systems Program is developing innovative designs and technologies for converting diverse types of solid feedstocks into clean synthesis gas to enable the low-cost production of hydrogen, transportation fuels, chemicals, electricity, and other useful products to suit market needs. Advancements in this area will help enable syngas-based technologies and energy systems to be competitive in both domestic and international markets, and spur on the use of domestic resources towards increased energy security and emissions reduction goals of the United States.

gasification logo

Supporting Essential Initiatives and Goals

clean hydrogen logo

Clean Hydrogen

The gasification pathway enables deployment of clean hydrogen production with net-zero carbon or net-negative carbon capability in energy systems, and cost-effective decarbonization for U.S. industry. This helps to accomplish ambitious administration carbon reduction goals leading to complete decarbonization of the economy by 2050.


Environmental Justice

Gasification enables remediation of wastes (legacy waste disposal and more) to address environmental justice and job creation initiatives. Advanced co-gasification of wastes, biomass, and plastic with low-cost oxygen combine to form a viable net-zero energy system basis.


Decarbonized Economy

Process intensified gasification technologies with low-cost oxygen via advanced oxygen separation methods will enable lowest cost carbon capture, driving deployment and adoption of widespread carbon capture and storage as required for decarbonization.

Explore Key Technology Areas

The research and development efforts of the Gasification Systems Program apply primarily to three key technology areas, advances in which will best contribute towards increased efficiency, enable cost reductions, and support greenhouse gas reductions of modular gasification/syngas-based systems. These three technology areas are: (1) Process Intensification for Syngas & Hydrogen, (2) Air Separation Technology, and (3) Clean Hydrogen & Negative CO2 Emissions.

Process Intensification for Syngas & Hydrogen

Research addresses control of chemical reactions in increasingly modular and intrinsically efficient reactors, allowing for smaller reactors and streamlined process systems for gasification, syngas cleanup, and syngas conversion.


Air Separation Technology

Research focuses on identification of new concepts and technologies for production of oxygen for use in gasification systems.


Clean Hydrogen & Negative CO2 Emissions

Research concerns designs and strategies for modular gasification-based systems enabling clean hydrogen production and negative emissions of greenhouse gases to support ambitious carbon reduction of the U.S. economy.


Gasification Handbook

A comprehensive resource to support the implementation of gasification technologies for the production of clean hydrogen, power, and chemicals.

gasification Handbook

Gasification Workshop Summary

A summary of the Clean Hydrogen Production from Gasification of Alternative Feedstocks workshop from April 24, 2024.

gasification Workshop Report

Explore the Site

projects buttonThe Gasification Systems Program pursues technology advancements in these areas through on-site work at NETL, and by external funding opportunities resulting in a suite of projects performed by industry, academia, and other National Laboratories, and overseen by NETL.

conact buttonYour Comments: We hope the information provided in these Web pages proves of value. We welcome any comments, suggestions, or questions you might have. Click the contact button at the top of the page with Comments, Suggestions, or Questions.

NETL implements this effort as part of DOE’s Advanced Energy Systems Program.