Gas Hydrates
The goal of the Gas Hydrates Program is to advance scientific knowledge of gas hydrates as they occur in nature, so that their resource potential and role in global climate change can be fully understood in full collaboration with other federal agencies, universities, industry, and international partners.
NETL’s current Gas Hydrate Research and Development (R&D) Program integrates field, laboratory, and modeling studies to confirm the nature and quantity of the resource and develops and tests technologies for safe production in the future. The program balances research conducted onsite at NETL with extramural projects in a collaborative, integrated approach.
NETL provides international outreach and communication through its “Fire in the Ice” newsletter, which covers gas hydrate research plans/results, upcoming funding opportunities and meetings, and other events of interest to the worldwide gas hydrate R&D community.
Ongoing research pathways supported by NETL include:
Popular Gas Hydrate Program Links

Additional Methane Hydrate Program Links