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This project is to develop improved methods for sealing compromised wellbore cement in leaking natural gas and oil wells, thereby reducing the risk of unwanted upward gas migration. Integrated laboratory testing, simulation modeling, and field testing will be conducted to achieve this goal.

Workover rig and Mobile Mineralization Unit at the Rexing #4 well near Cynthiana, IN December 2017 during the second field trial of the MICP process.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Adrienne Phillips
Project Benefits

This project will test Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP) for gas/fluid mitigation of compromised cement in an existing well that has regions of poor cement contact as measured via cement bond logs and shows ~300 psi natural gas pressure in the annulus. Pressure response, cement bond logs, sidewall cores, gas flow rate reduction, and parallel laboratory experiments will all be used to evaluate the MICP seal. The MICP technology could also open other commercially-attractive applications. Successful demonstration of MICP-based sealing technology will enhance wellbore integrity by penetrating difficult-to-seal underground leakage pathways such as micro-fractures, due to its low viscosity. Also, unwanted upward migration of formation gases and fluids will be mitigated, thereby reducing environmental risk to overlying ground water supplies and release of greenhouse gases.

Project ID
Montana State University