NETL’s 2022 Compendium of Carbon Capture Technology, which provides a technical summary of the Lab’s Carbon Capture program, is now available for viewing online.
The compendium is compiled biannually to provide a technical summary of carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technology research and development sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)/NETL’s Point Source Capture (PSC) and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) programs. The current compendium presents 124 projects in a single document, all of which were active between Oct. 1, 2019, and Oct. 1, 2021.
Projects listed in the document are critical in the nation’s efforts to achieve a greenhouse gas (GHG)-neutral economy by 2050, a carbon-pollution-free power sector by 2035 and a 50% reduction from 2005 levels in economy-wide net GHG pollution by 2030.
The PSC Program is developing the next generation of advanced CO2 capture concepts and accelerating commercially deployable solutions that can be applied to a wide spectrum of CO2 emissions sources. The deployment of PSC technologies will decarbonize existing infrastructure in the power and industrial sectors, including hydrogen, ethanol, cement and steel production facilities.
The CDR Program is fostering research and development focused on direct air capture (DAC), biomass carbon removal and storage, and enhanced mineralization, with emerging research in ocean-based CDR. CDR technologies remove CO2 that has accumulated in the atmosphere and oceans and durably store it in geologic, bio-based and ocean reservoirs or in value-added products to create negative emissions.
This wide array of approaches will help achieve gigaton-scale CO2 removal by 2050 and support DOE’s Carbon Negative Shot goal to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and geologically store it for less than $100/net tonne CO2-equivalent (CO2e) for at least 100 years.
The compendium is organized into three main sections.
- The first section covers research in the areas of transformational materials development and systems analysis performed by NETL’s Research and Innovation Center.
- The second section includes projects managed under the PSC Program, organized in subsections based on the application of the technologies (post-combustion capture and pre-combustion capture from both power generation and industrial sources).
- Its final section includes projects managed under the CDR Program and is also organized in subsections based on the application of the technologies (DAC, biomass carbon removal and storage, and enhanced mineralization).
The document allows stakeholders in corporations, small businesses, universities, other national laboratories, nonprofit organizations and government agencies to learn more about the activities of the Carbon Capture program.
NETL is a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory that drives innovation and delivers technological solutions for an environmentally sustainable and prosperous energy future. By leveraging its world-class talent and research facilities, NETL is ensuring affordable, abundant and reliable energy that drives a robust economy and national security, while developing technologies to manage carbon across the full life cycle, enabling environmental sustainability for all Americans.