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Monitoring, Verification, Accounting, and Assessment Archives Project Portfolio

Subsurface Monitoring developed tools needed to: (1) track the movement of the injected CO2 plume through the storage reservoir, (2) define the lateral extent and boundaries of the plume, (3) track associated pressure changes and other physical property changes in the reservoir, to identify possible release pathways that will inform future monitoring efforts, and (4) demonstrate long-term stability of the CO2 plume.


Subsurface Monitoring Project Summary Pages
Quantification of Wellbore Leakage Risk Using Non-Destructive Borehole Logging Techniques Schlumberger Carbon Services
Integrated Reflection Seismic Monitoring and Reservoir Modeling for Geologic CO2 Sequestration Fusion Petroleum Technologies
Advanced Technologies for Monitoring CO2 Saturation and Pore Pressure in Geologic Formations: Linking the Chemical and Physical Effects to Elastic and Transport Properties Stanford University
Feasibility of Geophysical Monitoring of Carbon-Sequestrated Deep Saline Aquifers University of Wyoming
Improving the Monitoring, Verification, and Accounting of CO2 Sequestered in Geologic Systems with Multicomponent Seismic Technology and Rock Physics Modeling University of Texas at Austin
Pressure-Based Inversion and Data Assimilation System (PIDAS) for CO2 Leakage Detection University of Texas at Austin
Deep Controlled Source Electro-Magnetic Sensing: A Cost Effective, Long-Term Tool for Sequestration Monitoring Multi Phase Technologies, Inc.
Scalable Automated, Semipermanent Seismic Method for Detecting CO2 Plume Extent During Geological CO2 Injection University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center
Distributed Fiber Optic Arrays: Integrated Temperature and Seismic Sensing for Detection of CO2 Flow, Leakage, and Subsurface Distribution Electric Power Research Institute
Field Demonstration of CO2 Injection Monitoring Using Krauklis and Other Guided Waves University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center
Consolidated Sequestration Research Project Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


Near-Surface Monitoring focused on research to develop near-surface monitoring tools, for detecting possible releases of CO2 in the vadose zone and in shallow groundwater formations, includes surface displacement monitoring and ecosystem stress monitoring, which may also indicate elevated CO2 levels above storage reservoirs.


Near Surface Monitoring Project Summary Pages
Tagging Carbon Dioxide to Enable Quantitative Inventories of Geological Carbon Storage Columbia University
Combining Space Geodesy, Seismology, and Geochemistry for Monitoring, Verification and Accounting of CO2 in Sequestration Sites University of Miami
Surface and Airborne Monitoring Technology for Detecting Geologic Leakage in a CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery Pilot, Anadarko Basin, Texas Oklahoma State University
Real-Time In Situ Carbon Dioxide Monitoring Network for Sensitive Subsurface Areas in Carbon Capture and Storage Intelligent Optical Systems, Inc.


Atmospheric Monitoring addressed the need for tools to identify and quantify possible releases of CO2 from the surface into the atmosphere from underground storage reservoirs.


Atmospheric Monitoring Project Summary Pages
Near-Surface Leakage Monitoring for the Verification and Accounting of Geologic Carbon Sequestration using a Field Ready 14c Isotopic Analyzer Planetary Emissions Management, Inc.
Development and Deployment of a Compact Eye-Safe Scanning Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) for Spatial Mapping of Carbon Dioxide for Monitoring/Verification/Accounting at Geologic Carbon Sequestration Sites Montana State University
Greenhouse Gas Laser Imaging Tomography Experiment (Green Lite) Exelis, Inc.
Carbon Life Cycle Analysis of CO2-EOR for Net Carbon Negative Oil (NCNO) Classification University of Texas at Austin
LANL-Sequestration Activities FY15 Los Alamos National Laboratory


Intelligent Monitoring combined real-time data collection, site-specific and project-specific data analysis and interpretation, and injection control. Such systems need to integrate diverse data from atmospheric, near-surface, and subsurface monitoring networks and convert these data into meaningful and actionable information.


Intelligent Monitoring Project Summary Pages
In Situ MVA of CO2 Sequestration Using Smart Field Technology West Virginia University Research Corporation
Development of Intelligent Monitoring System (IMS) Modules for the Aquistore CO2 Storage Project University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center

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