Smart Grids

The National Energy Technology Laboratory is involved in a variety of smart grid and modern grid activities on behalf of the DOE Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE), DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EE) and the DOE Office of Fossil Energy (FE).
Under OE sponsorship, these activities include:
- Project management and benefits analysis of 32 Smart Grid Demonstration Projects funded from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
- Project management of 30 Smart Grid Investment Grants funded from the ARRA
- Project management and benefits analysis of nine Smart Grid Demonstration Projects from the former Renewable and Distributed Systems Integration Program
- Smart Grid Implementation Strategy project to create alignment in vision and roadmap for deployment of a smart, modern grid
- Smart Grid Maturity Model project to assess the current and possible future state of smart grid deployment for a utility
- Project management of Smart Grid technology R&D projects
Under EE sponsorship, NETL is managing R&D projects on facility energy management systems; building materials and electric vehicles that interact with smart grid technologies.
Under FE sponsorship, NETL is conducting analytical and modeling studies on the integration of fossil energy resources in a modern grid that incorporate smart grid capabilities.
NETL is also a regular participant in various groups of smart grid experts convened to address specific challenges of deploying smart grid.
- Articles—Examples of articles are publications in newsletters, journals, magazines, and conference proceedings.
- Results from DOE's ARRA Smart Grid Program
- Success Stories in DOE's ARRA Smart Grid Program
- Dodrill, Keith and Steven Bossart, Charging the Nation: West Virginia's Vast Power Portfolio, Summer 2011, West Virginia Executive Magazine, p. 27-29.
- Bossart, Steven. The Smart Grid: Transforming Electricity's Distribution. West Virginia Executive, Summer 2009 (p. 99-101).
- Bossart, Steven J and Keith, Dodrill, The ARRA Invests in West Virginia's Future, West Virginia Executive Magazine, Energy 2011 edition, p. 25
- Bossart, Steve, and Ryan Egidi, Materials Research for Smart Grid Applications, American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 91, No. 2, March 2012, p. 33
- Metrics and Benefits Analysis and Challenges for Smart Grid Field Projects S. J. Bossart, Team Lead, U.S. Department of Energy, and J. E. Bean, Project Manager, U.S. Department of Energy Proceedings of IEEE EnergyTech 2011, May 25-26, 2011, Cleveland, Ohio.
- An Embedded Communication Network Simulator for Power Systems Simulations in PSCAD Neda Nasiriani, Roopa Ramachandran,Kaveh Rahimi Yaser P. Fallah, Parviz Famouri Lane Dept. of Computer Science & Electrical Engineering West Virginia University Morgantown, WV, USA Steve Bossart, Keith Dodrill US Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Proceedings of IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, July 21-25, 2013, Vancouver, BC
- Pullins, S. and S. J. Bossart, The Importance of Smart Grid to Our Nation's Energy Future. Pittsburgh Engineer, Fall 2008 (p. 15-17).
- "Sharing Smart Grid Experiences through Performance Feedback" (May 2011)
NETL/SGIS Team/Joe Miller-Horizon Energy Group
- BUGS: The Next Smart Grid Peak Resource? (October 2010)
NETL/SGIS Team/Steve Pullins - Horizon Energy Group
- Broadband Over Power Lines Could Accelerate the Transmission Smart Grid (May 2010)
NETL/SGIS Team/Bruce Renz - Renz Consulting, LLC
- Modern Grid Strategy Team Graduates to New Role as Smart Grid Implementation Strategy (March 2010)
NETL/SGIS Team/Joe Miller - Horizon Energy Group
- The Smart Grid and Consumers: Unanswered Questions (Oct 2009)
NETL/SGIS Team/Joe Miller - Horizon Energy Group
- What about Consumers? The Missing Piece to the Smart Grid Puzzle (Sept 2009)
NETL/SGIS Team/Joe Miller - Horizon Energy Group
- What’s in it for Me? Selling the Smart Grid to Consumers (Sept 2009)
NETL/SGIS Team/Joe Miller - Horizon Energy Group
- What’s in It for Us? Societal Benefits and Consumer Acceptance of the Smart Grid (Sept 2009)
NETL/SGIS Team/Joe Miller - Horizon Energy Group
- DOE Pursues Automation in West Virginia Lab [PDF-18KB] (Mar 2009)
A Tech Surveillance Article for NRECA Members
Input provided by Hakan Inan - Science Applications International Corporation
- Start with the End In Mind - Utility of the Near Future [PDF-22KB] (Feb 2009)
NETL/MGS Team/Steve Pullins – Horizon Energy Group
- Anticipates and Responds to Disturbances (Self Heals) [PDF-31KB] (Dec 2008)
NETL/MGS Team/ Bruce Renz – Renz Consulting
- Your Smart Grid Environmental Benefits Toolkit [PDF-151KB] (Nov 2008)
NETL/MGS Team/Alex Zheng – Horizon Energy Group
- Operates Resiliently Against Attack and Natural Disaster [PDF-99KB] (Oct 2008)
NETL/MGS Team/Joe Miller – Horizon Energy Group
- Smart Grid – Race for Investment [PDF-50KB] (Oct 2008)
NETL/MGS Team/Steve Pullins – Horizon Energy Group
- Power Quality for the Digital Economy [PDF-475KB] (Sept 2008)
NETL/MGS Team/Bruce Renz – Renz Consulting
- Smart Grid in Rural America [PDF- 19KB] (Sept 2008)
NETL/MGS Team/Steve Pullins – Horizon Energy Group
- The Untapped Value of Backup Generation [PDF-31KB] (Sept 2008)
NETL/MGS Team/Alex Zheng – Horizon Energy Group
- Optimizes Asset Utilization and Operates Efficiently [PDF-77KB] (Aug 2008)
NETL MGS Team/Joe Miller – Horizon Energy Group
- State of the Electric System in 2030 [PDF-22KB] (Aug 2008)
Bruce Renz – Renz Consulting
- Enables Markets [PDF-304KB] (Jun 2008)
NETL MGS Team/Steve Pullins – Horizon Energy Group
- The Smart Grid – How do we get there? [PDF-50KB] (Jun 2008)
NETL MGS Team/Joe Miller – Horizon Energy Group
- The Purpose and Value of Successful Technology Demonstrations – The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 Demonstrations [PDF-18KB] (May 2008)
Steve Bossart – NETL Senior Management and Technical Advisor, and
Steve Pullins – Team Leader, DOE/NETL Modern Grid Strategy
- Accommodates All Generation and Storage Options [PDF-166KB] (Apr 2008)
NETL MGS Team/Joe Miller – Horizon Energy Group
- Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) – Will It Stimulate Modernization? [PDF-32KB] (Apr 2008)
NETL MGS Team/Joe Miller – Horizon Energy Group
- The Regulator’s Role in Grid Modernization [PDF-23KB] (Apr 2008)
NETL MGS Team/Joe Miller – Horizon Energy Group
- Motivates and Includes the Consumer [PDF-102KB] (Mar 2008)
NETL MGS Team/Steve Pullins – Horizon Energy Group
- The GenX / GenY Theory of Grid Modernization [PDF-26KB] (Mar 2008)
NETL MGS Team/Steve Pullins – Horizon Energy Group
- The McAdams Theory of Grid Modernization [PDF-23KB] (Mar 2008)
NETL MGS Team/Steve Pullins – Horizon Energy Group
- Presentations—Presentations include publications accompanying speaking engagements in public conferences, seminars, workshops, and other events. Presentations also include publications that do not accompany speaking engagements, but are made available as public information.
- Fact Sheets—Factsheets include short publications usually 1-4 pages on topics such as single projects, multiple projects, and concepts.
- White Papers—White papers are advisory documents that provide information and describe concepts, options, advantages and disadvantages of different options, and recommendations. A white paper is used as a guide to assist in understanding an issue, solving a problem, and making a decision.
- Reports—Reports includes quantitative and qualitative analytical documents
- Multimedia—Multi-media includes video, photos, and models
- Links