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NETL-managed Energy Storage Program Takes Center Stage

NETL efforts to develop next-generation energy storage technologies and ensure abundant, cleaner energy using the nation’s fossil fuel assets drew interest from more than 300 engineers, researchers, federal policymakers and others who took part in a webinar on the topic, held April 22.

Briggs White, Ph.D., technology manager, served as featured speaker for the U.S. Energy Association (USEA) webinar to update key stakeholders on the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy’s new Advanced Energy Storage Program.

On behalf of the Office of Fossil Energy (FE), NETL implemented the new program to accelerate the development and integration of energy storage technologies. Using these systems, a fossil fuel-based power plant (both coal and natural gas) can continue to operate at high efficiency and store excess power until it’s needed by the grid, reducing the need to operate at fluctuating operational loads while ensuring reliable power supplies. In addition, when operating at high efficiency, fossil fuel plants generate lower greenhouse gas emissions.

This program also supports the DOE-wide Energy Storage Grand Challenge, a comprehensive program to accelerate the development, commercialization and utilization of energy storage technologies and sustain American global leadership in energy storage.

Taking part in the webinar were representatives from top energy research universities, industry organizations and the private sector. Other participants included staff from various congressional committees, national associations and DOE offices.

Bhima Sastri, director, DOE Crosscutting R&D and Systems Integration, opened the webinar by providing an overview of the Energy Storage Grand Challenge and describing how this FE program supports it. He then introduced Dr. White. At the conclusion of the presentation by Dr. White, submitted questions were addressed by Jeff Hoffmann, NETL systems engineer and project manager, with additional responses offered by Sastri and White.  

Click here to access a recording and slides from the “USEA Consensus Webinar: Update on DOE Office of Fossil Energy’s New Advanced Energy Storage Program.”

The U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory develops and commercializes advanced technologies that provide reliable and affordable solutions to America’s energy challenges. NETL’s work supports DOE’s mission to advance the national, economic and energy security of the United States.