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The Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) will develop the fundamental knowledge and understanding required for low nitrogen oxides (NOx) combustion concepts that could be applied at very high firing temperatures well above the thresholds where current low NOx combustion approaches are effective, and without compromising operability or carbon monoxide emissions at partial load. This goal will be accomplished through the combined application of detailed kinetic calculations and optimization studies to determine optimum axial injection profiles that enable low NOx operation at elevated temperatures. This work will be followed by experimental work on the emission and operability characteristics of candidate combustor concepts. Computations and laser diagnostics will be used to determine local mixing and heat release characteristics.

Combustor concept showing multiple fuel/air injection locations and manifolding
Principal Investigator
Tim Lieuwen
Project Benefits

The drive to achieve higher efficiencies increasingly highlights the interactions between efficiency and NOx emissions from combined cycle plants. These interactions will drive the development of new combustion paradigms under this Georgia Tech project. While increasing the turbine inlet temperature to about 1975ºK may achieve high combined cycle efficiencies, new strategies will be needed to achieve low NOx without compromising operability.

Project ID
Georgia Tech Research Corporation