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NETL’s Education Outreach Team Inspires Excellence in STEM
NETL’s Education Outreach Team Inspires Excellence in STEM

Director’s Corner

by Brian Anderson, PhD.

We’re living in the information age, with advances in technology changing the way we live our daily lives. Excellence in science, technology, engineering and math is critical for our nation’s students as they look toward a future that will demand the ability to understand and problem-solve in these areas.

As a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory, NETL is at the forefront of developing technology solutions to America’s energy challenges, and our researchers are examples of where excellence in STEM can lead. Our lab also has a team of dedicated professionals who are ensuring our regions’ students discover STEM fields early and pursue their passion for learning in these subjects.

From hosting Science Bowls in West Virginia and western Pennsylvania, to sharing hands-on, minds-on activities at regional schools and enhancing the educational opportunities state-wide, our STEM education experts are fostering excellence in STEM — and inspiring tomorrow’s energy researchers along the way.

This month, we’re featuring some of the key STEM activities NETL pursues that are actively inspiring tomorrow’s energy researchers. For example, our February STEM focus will spotlight NETL’s:

  • Kinsey Walker — the Lab’s new STEM education and outreach specialist, dedicated to boosting NETL’s community impact and improving educational outcomes in West Virginia.
  • Impact at Pittsburgh’s Clara Barton Elementary School. 
  • Exceptional women in energy and how they were first inspired by science, technology, engineering and math.

I am proud of NETL’s dedication and positive impact to STEM initiatives. I hope you enjoy reading about these endeavors.