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The team of Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), Thar Energy, and Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory/Bechtel Marine Propulsion Corporation will develop a high inlet temperature oxy-combustor suitable for integration into a direct-fired supercritical oxy‐combustion power plant for fossil energy applications. Phase I efforts would include: an evaluation of the direct-fired oxy‐combustion system using system engineering design and thermodynamic analysis to assess plant efficiencies with ancillary loads, verify operating conditions for the supercritical oxy‐combustor, and optimize the overall plant configuration; a technical gap analysis of the proposed plant to identify critical component and technology development needs; and the initial design of a supercritical oxy‐combustor suitable for direct‐fired oxy‐combustion using natural gas or syngas.

Autoignition-Stabilized Combustor Concept for Direct Fired Supercritical Oxy-Combustion Cycle
Principal Investigator
Aaron McClung
Project Benefits

Direct fired supercritical oxy-combustion has the potential to provide efficient power generation with integrated carbon capture at up to 99 percent of generated carbon dioxide. The SwRI-led team plans to demonstrate the potential of the cycle to meet DOE’s stated efficiency and carbon capture targets, while advancing the state of the art in high pressure, high temperature combustor design.

Project ID
Southwest Research Institute