In addition to the information provided here, a full listing of project related publications and presentations as well as a listing of funded students can be found in the Methane Hydrate Program Bibliography [PDF].
Final Report [PDF-1242KB] - May, 2003
Peer-Reviewed Publications
De Beukelaer S., I. MacDonald, N. Guinnasso, and J. Murray, 2003, Distinct side-scan sonar, RADARSAT SAR, and acoustic profiler signatures of gas and oil seeps on the Gulf of Mexico slope, Geo-Marine Letters 23(3-4), p. 177-186.
Liefer, I., and I. MacDonald, 2003, Dynamics of the gas flux from shallow gas hydrate deposits: interaction between oily hydrate bubbles and the oceanic environment, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 21(3-4), p. 411-424.
MacDonald, I., L. Bender, M. Vardaro, B. Bernard, and J. Brooks, 2005, Thermal and Visual Time-Series at a Seafloor Gas Hydrate Deposit on the Gulf of Mexico Slope, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 233, p. 45-59.
MacDonald, I., G. Bohrmann, E. Escobar, F. Abegg, P. Blanchon, V. Blinova, W. Brückmann, M. Drews, A. Eisenhauer, X. Han, K. Heeschen, F. Meier, C. Mortera, T. Naehr, B. Orcutt, B. Bernard, J. Brooks, and M. De Faragó, 2004, Asphalt volcanism and chemosynthetic life, Campeche Knolls, Gulf of Mexico, Science, Vol. 304, No. 5673, pp. 999-1002.
MacDonald, I., I. Leifer, R. Sassen, P. Stine, R. Mitchell, and N. Guinasso, 2002, Transfer of hydrocarbons from natural seeps to the water column and atmosphere, Geofluids, Volume 5, p. 95-107.
MacDonald, I., W. Sager, and M. Peccini, 2003, Association of Gas Hydrate and Chemosynthetic Fauna in Mounded Bathymetry at Mid-Slope Hydrocarbon Seeps: Northern Gulf of Mexico, Marine Geology, Volume 198, p.133-158.
De Beaukelaer, S., 2003, Remote sensing analysis of natural oil and gas seeps on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, 2003, Master’s Thesis, Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University, August.
Vardaro, M., 2004, Deep-sea time-lapse camera observations: Temporal changes in gas hydrate mound topography and ecology, Master’s Thesis, Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University, May.
Other Publications
MacDonald, I., M. Vardaro, and L. Bender, 2003, A Temperature and Photographic Time-Series from a Seafloor Gas Hydrate Deposit on the Gulf of Mexico Slope, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 5, 12714.
MacDonald, I., M. Kastner, and I. Leifer, 2005, Estimates of natural hydrocarbon flux in the Gulf of Mexico basin from remote sensing data, European Union of Geosciences Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 24-29.
MacDonald, I., P. Sobecky, J. Montoya, and S. Joye, 2003, Research issues in the Hydrocarbon Seep System in the northern Gulf of Mexico, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, February 10-14.
MacDonald, I., and I. Leifer, 2002, Constraining rates of carbon flux from natural seeps on northern Gulf of Mexico slope, Azerbaijan, NATO workshop on gas hydrates, October.
MacDonald, I., D. Power, I. Leifer, K. Lane, and J. Youden, 2002, The remote sensing signature of hydrocarbon seeps and implications for carbon flux, Honolulu, HI, American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 11-15.
MacDonald, I., P. Sobecky, J. Montoya, and S. Joye, 2001, Deposits of gas hydrate on the Gulf of Mexico slope: A natural laboratory for hydrate research, Brest, France, Second International Symposium for Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Biology, October 8-12.