Hydrate Core Characterization and Analysis: During Leg 204 (2002) of the Ocean Drilling Program, extensive infrared (IR) images were obtained shipboard on cores from Hydrate Ridge, off the Oregon shore. The challenge has been to extract quantitative information on hydrate abundance from the IR data and to analyze that information by correlating it with stratigraphic information, geochemistry, physical property data, and other proxies for hydrate occurrence. A major step forward occurred during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program’s Expedition 311 (2005) when gas hydrate IR anomalies were closely linked with pore water (chlorinity and salinity) anomalies and sediment grain-size. This was possible because of the enhanced IR data collection and display system developed for Expedition 311.
A comparable approach was used in the Indian National Gas Hydrate Program (NGHP) Expedition 01 (2006) using a similar data collection and display system. Infrared imaging was performed on all cores (except pressure cores), immediately after retrieval. A research-grade, automated IR imaging system was used to collect quantitative IR images on each 20 cm of core. Cores were imaged while still in the butyrate core liner. Handheld IR images were also taken of split core faces. Gas hydrate-bearing intervals are cooler than non-hydrate bearing zones due the endothermic nature of dissociation of gas hydrate to CH4 gas and liquid H2O. Temperature data were extracted from the IR images and used to define a ΔT or the extent of cooling produced by gas hydrate dissociation. Numerous variables control the IR temperature of the core liner surface, but the ΔT is readily measured for each gas hydrate zone in the core and thus provides a comprehensive and spatially detailed record of gas hydrate occurrence in marine sediments. In conjunction with PWC, the ΔT values are converted to % pore space occupied by gas hydrate, and then the gas hydrate occurrences are summed to estimate the total amount of gas hydrate in the GHOZ at the site.
Preliminary simulations of the recovery of hydrate-bearing cores from sub-oceanic deposits from the NGHP Expedition 01, Site 17, were conducted with STOMP-HYD to assess the ability to inverse model the hydrate saturation distribution in the core from the external infrared signal and core lithology. The core sample was modeled using a two-dimensional cylindrical domain as a layered system hydrate-bearing volcanic ash (3 cm) with hydrate-free marine sediments above and below. The numerical simulations were able to predict the infrared signature on the core surface, demonstrating the potential for in situ hydrate assessments using numerical simulator reconstruction. Color-scaled images generated from the numerical simulations with STOMP-HYD show the hydrate saturation and temperature after 50 minutes.
Numerical Simulator Development and Verification: The National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) are guiding a collaborative, international effort to compare methane hydrate reservoir simulators. The goals of the effort are (1) to exchange information regarding gas hydrate dissociation and physical properties, enabling improvements in reservoir modeling; (2) build confidence in all the leading simulators through exchange of ideas and cross-validation of simulator results on common datasets of escalating complexity; and (3) establish a repository of gas hydrate-related experiment/production scenarios with the associated predictions of these established simulators that can be used for comparison purposes. PNNL has contributed to these code comparison activities by helping to define test problems, executing its STOMP-HYD simulator on the test problems, reporting simulation results, and participating in the analyses of the simulation predictions. Personnel conducting the code comparison study have completed six test problems and are currently working on the final suite of hydrate production problems for a range of hydrate accumulations on the Alaska North Slope.
A new simulator has been added to the series of STOMP simulators for modeling natural gas hydrate production from geologic accumulations. The first simulator in the series, STOMP-HYD, was capable of simulating four production technologies: (1) depressurization, (2) thermal stimulation, (3) inhibitor injection and (4) CO2 exchange. This simulator assumed equilibrium conditions between the mobile and hydrate components of the hydrate formers, CH4 and CO2. Experiments conducted at the Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM), however, demonstrated that guest molecule exchange was a kinetic process, with respect to the time scales for flow through geologic media. The second simulator in the series, STOMP-HYD-KE, extended the capabilities of STOMP-HYD, by solving separate conservation equations for the mobile and hydrate components of the hydrate formers, CH4 and CO2. Hydrate formers transitioned between mobile and hydrate forms via hydrate formation, dissociation, and exchange, where all three mechanisms were controlled via kinetic rates. The STOMP-HYDT-KE simulator extends the capabilities of its predecessor by including a third hydrate former, N2. As with the two other hydrate formers, CH4 and CO2, the mobile and hydrate components of N2 are solved separately. In its full capability configuration, the STOMP-HYDT-KE solves nine conservation equations at each grid cell: (1) energy, (2) water mass, (3) mobile CH4 mass, (4) hydrate CH4 mass, (5) mobile CO2 mass, (6) hydrate CO2 mass, (7) mobile N2 mass, (8) hydrate N2 mass, and (9) inhibitor mass. The modular design of the simulator allows for one or two of the hydrate formers and/or the inhibitor to be eliminated from the solution. The transition between STOMP-HYD-KE and STOMP-HYDT-KE involved two significant changes in the code: (1) equation of state module and (2) ternary hydrate equilibria.
Applied Laboratory and Numerical Investigations: Experiments conducted at KIGAM on the exchange of carbon dioxide and nitrogen gas mixtures with methane hydrate in unsaturated, sand-filled columns, showed carbon dioxide and nitrogen in the effluent stream early in the production process, indicating the guest-molecule exchange was occurring as a kinetic process. The first attempt at modeling these experiments was conducted using the STOMP-HYD simulator, an equilibrium and binary hydrate simulator. The equilibrium assumption in STOMP-HYD yields full exchange of the injected carbon dioxide with the methane in the gas hydrate, yielding no carbon dioxide in the effluent stream, as observed. The binary-hydrate limitation in the simulator required ignoring the injected nitrogen. To resolve these limitations in the STOMP-HYD simulator, two joint projects were created: a kinetic-exchange project funded by KIGAM and a ternary-hydrate project funded by NETL. The kinetic-exchange project was completed with the development and application of the STOMP-HYD-KE project. The ternary-hydrate code is currently under development. In addition to the application of numerical simulation to guest-molecule exchange experiments, a more general short course on the application of the STOMP simulator to problems involving the coupled subsurface processes of multi-fluid flow and transport, heat transfer, geochemistry, and geomechanics was held at the International School for Geoscience Resources (IS-Geo) at KIGAM.