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Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling (CLOU) is a variant of Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) in which the oxidized oxygen carrier spontaneously releases gaseous oxygen (O2) in the fuel reactor, allowing efficient combustion of solid fuels such as coal that are challenging to convert in conventional CLC systems. Under this project the University of Utah, in partnership with Reaction Engineering International and CPFD Software, will develop technologies to improve system performance and reduce costs of CLC and CLOU. The project focuses on oxygen carrier management and reactor design and operation. Project objectives include (1) developing "zero loss" technology to recover and regenerate oxygen carrier materials that exit the system due to attrition; (2) achieving more controllable management of solids in loop seals and gas-solid separators; (3) better incorporating chemical reactions into computational simulations; (4) improving heat recovery and management; and (5) investigating a novel dual oxygen carrier reactor design.

Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling (CLOU) using Copper.
Principal Investigator
Kevin Whitty
Project Benefits

The University of Utah project will improve competitiveness of chemical looping combustion by developing technologies to improve performance and economics of demonstration- and commercial-scale systems. The project will develop the technologies first at small scale to help with design and optimization, but then culminate with tests and verification at pilot scale and/or bench scale. In addition, the improvements to the computational simulation models is also a technology development. These improved simulations will aid in the design of larger scale systems.

Project ID