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This project is combining laboratory core testing with a novel wireline tool to perform evaluation of in-situ stress and mechanical formation properties at a candidate carbon dioxide (CO2)-storage site in the Newark Basin area. This area was chosed because the possible impacts of seismic hazards and CO2 leakage are particularly important due to a high population density. The approach is expected to be applicable for evaluating geomechanical properties for similar basins, both onshore and offshore.

Location of the project basin (Newark) and other east coast rift basins where project results may be applicable.
Principal Investigator
Daniel Collins
Project Benefits

This project is focused on understanding the seismic and leakage risks associated with injecting CO2 at potential geological carbon storage sites. Increased understanding of these risks will increase the storage security of injected fluids and reduce the uncertainty, risk, and potential damages due to the injection process. Specifically, this project is studying the potential effects that fluid injection would have on the in-situ stresses and faults of the northern Newark Basin and help to determine the ability of the target formation to accommodate the increase in pore pressure.

Project ID