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The Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES) will be the resource for the development and analysis of innovative advanced energy systems via process systems engineering tools and approaches. The Institute will develop a rigorous, computational approach for developing new concepts for energy systems. Because of the complexity of energy systems, and the increasing recognition of the importance of understanding uncertainty, IDAES’s models will be both multi-scale and dynamic in nature while incorporating intrusive uncertainty quantification techniques. The Carbon Capture Simulation Initiative pushed the limits of what is possible with commercial simulation tools, so IDAES will build on existing open-source software tools to the extent possible and build new capabilities when required. When necessary, high-performance computing will be utilized to solve the large systems of equations constituting IDAES models in reasonable time.

Principal Investigator
David Miller
Project Benefits

IDAES and its capabilities will be applicable to the development of the full range of advanced fossil energy systems, including chemical looping and other transformational carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technologies, as well as integration with other new technologies such as supercritical CO2. In addition, the tools and capabilities will be applicable to renewable energy development, such as biofuels, green chemistry, nuclear, and environmental management (e.g., the design of complex, integrated waste treatment facilities). IDAES will provide abilities to conceive novel advanced energy systems for further development; analyze various concepts to increase the technical differentiation between alternatives; and support ongoing development, scale up, and deployment of new energy technology. In particular, IDAES’s computational capabilities will enable the development of entirely new equipment, processes, and approaches, thus avoiding the limitations associated with trying to incorporate a new material or concept into existing equipment.

Project ID
National Energy Technology Laboratory - RIC