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New Global Oil and Gas Infrastructure Database Is One More Way Netl Brings Knowledge to Power
Partnering, communicating, analyzing, organizing, and providing access to critical energy data on a global basis

Sometimes, the work of NETL to produce solutions to energy challenges involves much more than the arduous work of researchers in a collection of cutting-edge energy laboratories. Sometimes, it requires a flair for partnering, communicating, analyzing, organizing, and providing access to critical energy data on a global basis. That’s just what the Laboratory accomplished recently with the release of the global oil and gas infrastructure inventory database or GOGI.

For the first time, people all over the world have access to information they need to make critical decisions about oil and gas infrastructure development and improvement, and take energy-saving action to reduce threats of methane leaks. The database is accessible through NETL’s  Energy Data eXchange (EDX), an online collection of data that advances research and customizes energy-related needs.

Experts culled through datasets from more than 190 countries to identify the type, age, status and owners of gas and oil wells, pipelines, and ports. They ended up identifying more than 4.8 million of these features for inclusion in the database.

GOGI is now an economic, environmental, and health and safety tool for researchers, industry representatives, and government regulators to use in efforts to prevent infrastructure failures, improve economics of energy production, and address fugitive methane emissions.

Natural gas consists primarily of methane, so when gas escapes during production, delivery and use, methane ends up trapping heat in the atmosphere causing a greenhouse effect. Methane is more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide.

So, a global assessment and inventory of all open oil and natural gas information is critical for companies and governments to use in making necessary infrastructure decisions designed to eliminate leaks. GOGI will represent a framework to support advanced analyses, predictions and assessments for global methane emissions and infrastructure improvements.

The success of the GOGI project resulted from a combination of NETL tools, personnel, and capabilities and the collaboration of stakeholders from all over the world.

Creating this valuable resource was all a part of NETL’s mission to develop tools and processes that provide clean, reliable and affordable energy.


As Acting Director of NETL, Sean I. Plasynski, Ph.D., builds on an extensive background in energy as he leads NETL in its mission to enhance the nation’s energy independence and protect the environment for future generations. For more information about Sean Plasynski's experience, please click here.