A simulation framework was finalized, wherein the “physical models” (black-oil, thermal, and compositional) and the “discretization methods” (control-volume finite-element, mixed finite-element) were completely decoupled. Three distinct discretization methods—the finite difference (FD), the control-volume finite-element (CVFE), and the mixed finite-element (MFE), with their own advantages—were created to study complex domains with discrete fractures and faults. A verification hierarchy was created to ensure that the solutions from the models were accurate. One of the outcomes was that a single-phase analytical model for hydraulic fractures was used to validate the control-volume finite-element simulation results. A methodology to grid complex, three-dimensional objects with faults and fractures was identified. New thermal and compositional modules operating with FD, CVFE, and MFE were developed. Thermal simulations of steam-assisted gravity drainage were performed. New well models were developed for complex wells. Parallel simulation protocols for unstructured grids were created.
Benchmarking studies were performed on basement reservoirs, where it was shown that the performance of simulators developed agreed well with results from other simulators such as Eclipse™. Intuitive well models of complicated wells for the mixed finite-element simulator were developed. A thermal simulation model formulation was completed and implemented for hot water flooding. The simulator structure was modified to use not only the conventional reservoir simulation boundary conditions (bottomhole pressure and rate constraints) but also constant flux boundary conditions and Dirichlet (constant pressure) specifications.
The project has made it possible to simulate complicated domains with fractures and faults and systems with complex wells such multilaterals.
Major accomplishments were:
- Decoupling of physical and numerical models, allowing rapid simulator development.
- Incorporation of the most modern solvers in two different frameworks—PETSC and TRILLINOS.
- Direct compatibility with sophisticated fracture generation and meshing programs.
- Three-phase finite-element simulations of systems of complex geometry.
- Two distinct numerical algorithms appropriate for specific applications—CVFE and MFE.
- Benchmarked well models—allowing simulation of complex multilateral wells in complicated geometry.
- Benchmarked hydraulic fracture simulations using compressible single-phase flow analytical results.
- Thermal simulation of complex geologic fractured systems with complex wells now possible.
- Thermal-compositional simulation of reservoirs using the CVFE formulation appropriate for complex geometries.
- Parallel formalism for unstructured grids.
- Based upon reservoir and fracture description, the simulator could be employed to optimize oil recovery.
- A fully implicit, general compositional thermal model using a new equation line-up concept was developed. A study of two different applications, one with the control-volume finite element discretization and the other with finite difference showed that a given physical model can be integrated with different “Discretization Method” modules to solve the reservoir problem.
- Incorporation of a discrete-fracture representation provides an alternative to dual porosity models for simulating thermal recovery in fractured reservoirs.
- Developed a multiphase, multidimensional fractured reservoir simulation workflow.
This project has created tools to better manage fractured/faulted reservoirs and reservoirs with complex wells. Better management of these reservoirs will lead to significant improvement in oil and gas production from these reservoirs.