In 2002, GWPRF initiated a joint project with BLM and DOE to assess the feasibility of water-management and beneficial-use alternatives specific to CBNG produced water. The project is being performed with an integrated-team approach with participants from States, Federal agencies, universities, industry, and researchers. The Coal Bed Methane Beneficial Use handbook has been completed and is available in hard copy and electronic format. Based on the Coal Bed Methane survey, GWPC is developing a work plan for a Coal Bed Methane Module for RBDMS. This module will track CBNG wells in addition to produced-water quality. Produced-water quality data will be made available on agency websites.
Project Results
The EIMS/RBDMS and CERA programs continue to be successful. All oil and gas State regulatory programs participate in these efforts. Significant accomplishments include streamlined regulatory approaches, enhanced environmental protection, and oil and gas data made available via the Internet. Oil and gas companies worldwide now have access to data on State websites. This reduces the cost of exploration and enables companies to develop properties in areas that would have been cost-prohibitive for exploration. The GWPC is working with the BLM and MMS to develop an XML schema to facilitate electronic permitting and reporting. This is a significant effort and, in years to come, will increase access to Federal lands by reducing regulatory barriers.
Making available the wealth of information contained in these compatible databases creates an unparalleled opportunity for industry to improve exploration activities and increase production while improving environmental compliance. Attributes of RBDMS include its continued usefulness in assessing and reducing risk to drinking water, use of nonproprietary software, capability to address legacy databases, and adaptability to variations in State oil and gas regulatory and production accounting methods.
The Ground Water Protection Research Foundation's (GWPRF) CERA is an integral part of the RBDMS system. These effective and more-efficient policies and environmental program improvements developed through CERA can be implemented by all States. The principal project objectives of this projects are to continue implementing RBDMS Phase II, make these data available to industry, streamline permitting on State and Federal lands, reduce the cost of environmental compliance, and develop user-friendly online reporting techniques.
Project Summary
Among the project milestones:
- GWPC, BLM, and MMS have developed a business case for joint implementation of electronic reporting/permitting schemas. This business case identifies the procedures for pilot testing of electronic reporting and electronic permitting programs and for adoption by the American Petroleum Institute (API) as an industry standard.
- The Nevada RBDMS installation has been completed. RBDMS is now operational at the Nevada Department of Environmental Quality and Nevada Department of Mines and Minerals. Nevada RBDMS also tracks geothermal wells.
- The Arkansas RBDMS installation has been upgraded to interface with the generic field inspection utility and to be ready for e-commerce applications.
- RBDMS in Alabama has been updated to track hydraulic fracturing data.
- An integrated base installation and migration of legacy data were performed for the Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission (AOGCC) in the past year. The Montana/Michigan data model was the starting point for the customization performed. This project included customization of the RBDMS application to account for the specific needs of the AOGCC.
- An RBDMS needs survey was completed, and an RBDMS strategic plan was developed. Subsequent discussions with States and industry identified e-commerce priorities for future development. State regulatory agencies and the oil and gas industry identified e-commerce as the immediate need for RBDMS development. E-commerce is defined as online data access, online permitting, and online reporting of production and injection data.
- The EIMS/RBDMS states have developed an XML schema to standardize e-reporting. State oil and gas board managers and technical staff believe that XML is an ideal format for sharing data with oil and gas industry operators. Two factors contribute strongly to this perception: its low cost in comparison with the cost of traditional electronic data interchange (EDI) and the wide availability of XML development tools. For all XML-enabled EDI applications, a schema specific to the oil and gas industry is needed as a means of first-round data validation. Agencies nationwide have embraced the schema as a standard. E-reporting initiatives are now being launched in Colorado and New York and are planned in Montana, Alaska, Utah, Mississippi, and Pennsylvania.
- The GWPC State Underground Injection Control (UIC) Class II State Peer Review effort is an opportunity for states to share experiences with their peers who administer the same (or similar) regulatory programs. States that have gone through the process feel strongly about the benefits of the effort. States serving as reviewers as well as those reading the reports benefit from the knowledge of how other agencies are dealing with specific issues. However, the agency that gains the most from the process is the one in the State being reviewed. The completed review document provides the State with a detailed report on the strengths and weaknesses of the agency, which can be used to advance the program and enhance the protection of groundwater. GWPC conducted two Class II UIC State Peer Reviews in 2003, including agencies in Montana and Arkansas. The Montana peer review document is being edited and soon will be posted at the GWPC project website at The Arkansas peer review document is being edited and soon will be posted at the GWPC project website at