The fate and transport work in the Powder River Basin has demonstrated how important the impoundment basin location is to the environmental impacts of produced water. An offshoot of that research has produced a potential method of locating impoundment basins to minimize the environmental impacts on surface and groundwater, based on assessments of soil and water quality in the area. The researchers propose to develop that method into a useful tool that can be used by producers and regulatory agencies to identify optimal locations for these basins and to have that tool publicly available during FY 2006. In addition, they will investigate R&D needs related to the development and modification of other technologies to reduce the environmental impacts of produced water associated with oil, gas, and CBNG production activities; this will likely include assessing R&D needs associated with the beneficial use of treated produced waters.
In addition, the project intends to begin addressing other environmental impacts associated with oil, gas, and CBNG development. Part of this will involve evaluating Alaskan North Slope technologies for potential application in the Lower 48 states.
Based on project analyses, a roadmap of environmental R&D needs will be developed. The roadmap will prioritize those R&D needs and assess which components can be addressed by NETL in-house versus being handled more cost-effectively others. Where possible, appropriate agencies or R&D institutions will be suggested for additional R&D work.
The primary benefit is reduced environmental impacts as a result of oil and gas development.
The researchers’ assessment of the environmental impacts of produced water will involve learning what has been and is being done in this field. Work conducted on fate and transport of produced water issues in the Powder River Basin already has provided some familiarity with the issues involved, but this perspective will need to be significantly broadened. Based on preliminary analysis, the researchers will develop a roadmap of R&D needs. This roadmap will prioritize those R&D needs and assess what components can be addressed effectively by NETL’s in-house component versus R&D that would be (more cost-effectively) handled by others, and, where possible, the researchers will recommend appropriate agencies or R&D institutions to address these R&D needs.
In addition, the researchers intend to begin addressing other environmental aspects associated with oil, gas, and CBNG development. Part of this effort will involve assessing the potential use of technology developed to minimize the environmental impact of drilling and producing in the pristine environment associated with Alaska's North Slope. The project performer will evaluate the state-of-the-art environmental technologies that have been employed in the North Slope region for potential low-cost applications (either directly or modified) in the Lower 48 states. This work will require learning much more about legal limitations, regulatory barriers, and economic aspects associated with conventional exploration, drilling, and production as well as the specialized technology developed for the North Slope.