The PRB CBNG play is one of the most rapidly expanding gas plays in the United States. Since the late 1990s, more than 12,000 CBNG wells have been installed that produce in excess of 25 billion cubic feet of gas per month. Associated with the production of natural gas from PRB CBNG wells is the production of large volumes of variable-quality produced water that must be managed appropriately. The CBNG industry has struggled to find economic means of managing the produced water in an evolving regulatory environment. The rapid expansion of the PRB CBNG industry has led to a reactionary environment where produced-water management regulations and monitoring guidance are being developed as a result of limited monitoring data and limited investigation into the duration and extent of these changes.
Infiltration systems and impoundments are being used across the more heavily developed Wyoming portion of the PRB as means to economically manage produced water. These systems typically comprise unlined on-channel dams or off-channel pits that retain produced water and allow it to infiltrate into the subsurface. Infiltration systems in their simplest form (unlined pits or dammed drainage ways) are an inexpensive means to prevent water from directly discharging into surface waters, allowing the water to evaporate or infiltrate into the subsurface. Regulators and citizens groups have expressed concerns as to the fate of infiltrating produced water.
ALL Consulting will prepare a report on the topic of CBNG impoundments—the technologies, impacts, and alternatives. To date, ten impoundments have been investigated in the field by the research team through the use of geotechnical borings, monitoring wells, subsurface and airborne geophysics. Additional impoundments have been analyzed based on monitoring reports submitted to regulatory agencies. The subsurface investigations have yielded signs of water infiltrating beneath the impoundment resulting in changes to the chemistry of the water within the groundwater aquifers. There has been little evidence to indicate the changes would result in violations of state water quality standards. The impoundments which were classified as in-channel features showed impacts to the alluvial aquifer and changes in water quality that resulted in improved water quality. However; based on data analyzed under this project and collected by other CBNG operators, as time goes on, water quality for both in and off-channel impoundments is expected to be returned to pre-existing conditions. Documentation is being assembled on these impoundments to documenting the research to date on fate and transport of infiltrating CBNG water. The draft report on the CBNG Impoundment Study was sent to the PAC for review and comment in December 2007. Reviewer comments will be incorporated as appropriate and the final report will be submitted to NETL for approval.
The TMDL work continues as interviews with the industry proceed and information is added to the model research.
A technology exchange workshop that summarizes the technical and applied aspects of selected current technologies used in the U.S. coal basins for the exploration, drilling, and development of CBNG and CMM resources was held in Shanxi, China, in May 2007. The workshop included over 300 slides that were prepared and translated into Chinese. The workshop was presented by ALL through an interpreter. Response to the workshop was very positive and the participants expressed an interest in pursuing similar work with DOE in the future.