Impact successfully completed the data collection task. Data from the multiple SPI injection studies with Opertator A and Operator B was collected for processing. Both Operators worked with Impact to provide data to be included as part of the final technical report.
Impact successfully completed the planned injectivity test with Field Operator B. Impact successfully injected over 1000 bbl. of their SPI gel treatment into two injector wells.
Two well sites have been selected and approved by both Field Operator B and NETL.
Impact completed their field injectivity study plan and submitted it to NETL.
Impact successfully re-treated well A with SPI gel. Impact injected 3842 bbl. of SPI mixture during this treatment bringing the total amount injected to 4792 bbl. (prior SPI#1 treatment was 950 bbl. of SPI). The operator will continue to monitor the well for a minimum of six months, after which the results will be compiled and a summary included in the final technical report for this award.
Impact has completed treatment of two wells under the first of three SPI GEL field studies (wells A and B). Impact successfully injected approximately 1000 bbl. into injection well A. Initial results show that the injectivity was reduced by 86 percent. Impact moved their field equipment to a producing well (well B) within the same field and completed a second injection of 5000 bbl. Initial results show successful injection of the SPI gel into the producing well. Impact and the field operator will monitor the field over the coming months to determine the success of the two SPI Gel treatments.
Two major CO2 flood operators have signed up for the field tests. A third major operator has expressed interest. One operator has already furnished field/well data and the second is currently preparing to furnish data. The second largest silicate manufacturer has committed to provide silicate as needed for the field tests.
The CTI lab performed over 1000 gel-forming bench tests, half at room temperature (74°F) and half at 140°F. Approximately 40 additives have been evaluated to date at various concentrations and in combination with additional additives.
The base SPI polyacrylamide polymer was changed to a more easily hydrolyzed ultra-high molecular weight polymer. Benefits are easier mixing in the field and better isolation of the SPI mix within high permeability zones, a key focus of the industry. One mixture was finalized for use in the first operator’s field tests.
A full CO2-capable sand pack system was developed at the CTI laboratory in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Operational improvements to the modified sand pack system have been completed allowing the use of supercritical CO2 at 1500 psi. These improvements include:
- Safe handling and discharge of CO2
- Accurate means to meter and deliver supercritical CO2 to core apparatus for sand pack testing
- Accurate means to meter and account for all gas and liquid mass exiting the system, and other improvements to aid in closing a mass balance (a 2 percent mass balance closure is anticipated)
For field testing, four 5025 gallon Norwesco tanks; three 2500 psi positive displacement HydraCell metering pumps with variable frequency controllers; three Roper gear pumps for premixing of the polymer and transferring and offloading chemicals from delivery tanker trucks; four UET inline static mixers; one full-stream Hoffer Flow Controls turbine flow meter; several hoses and fittings, and additional supplies were purchased. Skids were built for this equipment.