Researchers collaborated with the NSDSS team in to incorporate the additional water equivalent resulting from the snow fence into the water balance formulation. Project results were published by M. Sturm and S. Stuefer in a paper entitled “Wind-blown flux rates derived from drifts at arctic snow fences” in the current issue of the international peer-reviewed Journal of Glaciology. The article can be downloaded at
Researchers investigated costs for snow fence materials, installation, and maintenance over time in order to better estimate total costs involved in additional water collection. A feasibility study was conducted on various soil types and snow fence designs to enable utilization of the snow fence application in areas throughout the North Slope. An M.S. student in structural engineering has begun to compare commonly used snow fence designs and will evaluate their performance in the seasonally and permanently frozen soils. Results of this analysis will be included in recommendations for increasing the performance of artificial barriers in the permafrost environment.
Dr. Stuefer incorporated the snow fence water estimator model into the North Slope Decision Support System (NSDSS), which was developed under DOE project DE-NT0005683 (North Slope Decision Support for Water Resource Planning and Management). Calculations of snow drift and additional water from drifts can be included in the NSDSS water balance model to help support water resource management decisions related to ice road construction.
Dr. Sveta Stuefer made a presentation at the 2012 American Water Resources Association Conference in Juneau which showed that during the 2011 snow season, the snow fence was responsible for an additional 1.8 million gallons of water at a cost of $.01 per gallon. In 2010, the snow fence added 1.5 million gallons of water at a cost of $.02 per gallon. In both 2010 and 2011, the snow fence extended the snow melt season resulting in an additional month of fresh water supply to the lake despite low precipitation levels.
The snow fence and all related equipment were removed from the experimental site in September 2011. Land use completion reports were prepared for the Northern Oil and Gas Division of Mining, Land & Water, Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the Planning and Community Services Department of North Slope Borough, and the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company.
A snow survey was completed in the last week of May 2011. Snow depths at both lakes were recorded and a snow density profile was used to estimate the total snow water equivalents. The open water season is estimated to begin on June 9, 2011, and last until late August. Updated water cost results will be calculated with the additional data. Based on preliminary snow melt calculations, an extra month of water was added to the experimental lake in 2011. The snow fence field site was inspected during a trip in March 2011. The weather tower was reporting data through telemetry and the snow fence had no reported damage.
Dr. Stuefer gave a presentation entitled “Snow Management to Augment Fresh Water Supplies in the Arctic” at the Arctic Technology Conference February 7–9, 2011, in Houston, Texas.
Hydrological data analysis showed the ability of the snow fence to add to the experimental lake water supply in summer 2010. Although rainfall was below normal, water levels in the experimental lake increased during the entire open-water season while the levels declined in the control lake. Three significant snow events were recorded in late 2010 with the largest one occurring in November. The installation of the snow fence at the experimental lake has added approximately two million gallons of water to the lake supply.
Research has shown that the installation of a snow fence reduces reservoir water loss due to snow sublimation. The resultant snow drift created by the snow fence has added an additional month of water to the lake supply that can be utilized for ice road construction. Water levels in the lake near the snow fence were elevated during the entire 2010 open water season.
Pretreatment water balance analysis for 2009 indicates that the majority of water loss was due to evaporation from the lake surface with only half of the water loss being replaced through summer rainfall. The cumulative rainfall in 2010 was below average and equaled only half the rainfall total for 2009. Water balance calculations indicate there is additional inflow into the man-made lake.
Snow drift elevation was measured twice in the summer of 2010 using high precision GPS instruments. Snow drift volume was calculated in 3-D Analyst using drift snow density averages. The estimated drift volume on June 21, 2010 was 5943 cubic meters (7773 cubic yards). The snow water equivalent (SWE) was estimated with the field data. A model was developed to estimate snow drift melt based on the continuous snow depth data obtained from three sonic depth sensors. The snow drift lost approximately 75 percent of its volume during the first three weeks of melt.
Major water sources and sinks were measured at the experimental and control lakes. Research accomplishments included the bathymetry survey, water level records, and measurements of the lake outflow, rain precipitation, evaporation, and water withdrawal from the gravel pit. A tower near the snow fence was equipped with a data logger, power, solar panel, camera, antenna, radio, and relative humidity and air temperature sensors to monitor snow drift growth and melt. The radio transmits all the data and camera images from the snow fence site to the Water and Environmental Research Center (WERC) server in real-time.
The automated data collection was initiated at three locations: Franklin Bluffs Meteorological Station, Franklin Bluffs Hydrological Site at Gravel Pit (Experimental Reservoir), and Franklin Bluffs Hydrological Site at Control Lake. Snow water equivalent (SWE) at Franklin Bluffs was measured at millimeters (6.3 inches) on April 29, 2009. Snow depth and SWE were above average when compared to previous years. Data from various projects from 2000 to 2008 were collected by WERC researchers. The SWE measured in 2009 was 33 percent above the 10 year average. In addition to an historical snow survey, snow depths were measured at the gravel pit and control pond. The snow fence was installed at the end of August 2009 following guidelines in Tabler's snow fence guide. The fence was reinforced and re-anchored into the permafrost in September 2009. Weather data from the Franklin Bluff weather station have proven reliable and some equipment updates were necessary in order to continue data collection. Sublimation calculations have been computed from the Franklin Bluff data and are important components of the water budget research.
The research site was selected and land use permits authorizing installation of a snow fence and equipment to collect snow and hydrology data were obtained from the Alaska Department of Natural Resources and the North Star Borough. Permission for land use was obtained from the Alaska Pipeline Service Company and the Alaska Department of Transportation. Weather data analysis indicated that the length of the snow accumulation season is September to June, prevailing wind direction and snow drift orientation is north-east, and the mean winter precipitation is 105 millimeters (4.13 inches). Potential snow fence dimensions were estimated from the weather data. Snow fence height should be 3.2 meters (10.5 feet) and snow fence length should be equal to or greater than 130 meters (426.5 feet).