The team has outlined fault detection algorithms for each modality. With x-ray use, defects down to 1/4” in concrete and 1/8” in steel pipes can be identified. Testing of the modalities is planned at a GE facility in Houston, TX, which has a 20’ long test well.
The team has studied eccentricities between different casing strings in combination with material loss in each casing. Initial test bed experiments suggest multiple defects can convolute sensor data and therefore more advanced data analysis is required to accurately extract desired sensor information. Due to its asymmetric design, the triple coil configuration can provide directional information. The small coil has higher resolution and is more sensitive to material loss in small regions of the first casing. However, it cannot detect eccentricities between casings nor material loss in the second casing. Dr. Kasten presented project results on August 17, 2016, at the 2016 Mastering the Subsurface through Technology Innovation and Collaboration: Carbon Storage and Oil and Natural Gas Technologies Review Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA.
The original detector was redesigned and the new geometry was modeled showing stronger collimation within the tight confines of narrow diameter casings. The updated detector design is expected to enable better sensitivity to voids in the well casing or concrete. Researchers performed component-level fabrication and bench-level testing for the various components of the neutron generator prototype integrated system. Presently the performance of this second prototype neutron generator is not up to the expected level due to conflicting operation of various power supplies, and is currently being investigated.
Testing of X-ray and neutron sources were completed by modeling defect detection tests utilizing a variety of emitting sources. Based on the results, it is more likely that a high energy photon source would be able to produce the energy needed to detect defects in the outer rings of a well as X-rays have not shown enough energy to date. Experiments are planned to confirm the modeled results.
Neutron modality testing continued. The neutron flux distribution throughout the cylindrical steel/cement test assembly was calculated. The results show the penetrating power of the neutron through multiple casings and cement layers. GE was notified by a subcontractor that they are no longer comfortable participating in the project due to changes in the specifications for the X-ray sources, as they feel the new specifications are outside of their expertise and existing infrastructure. GE had discussions with potential replacement subcontractors. The choices have been narrowed down to three manufacturers of X-ray sources experienced in the design and build of X-ray sources of high acceleration voltages.
Researchers are using Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) modeling of transport properties to determine the entitlement for the high energy modalities of X-ray and neutron. A basic modeling configuration of concentric cylinders of steel and cement has been developed to represent concentric casings in the unconventional well and the soil field. Results show the penetrating capability of the X-ray photons through multiple casings and cement layers. These preliminary results demonstrate that the MCNP code is functioning and the neutron and photon transport properties can be used to examine the wellbore steel and cement structure.
GE has submitted the task four report which includes the entitlement results and risk analysis from modality testing. X-rays, neutrons, ultrasound and electromagnetic were tested for their applicability to well integrity tests through modeled experiments. A high energy X-ray source is the most promising for the limited space and the thickness of the well walls.