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Opus 12 will test the commercial viability of their novel process for converting carbon dioxide (CO2) to chemicals and fuels by testing various concentrations of CO2 through their prototype reactor. By simulating flue gas conditions, Opus 12 will determine what, if any, flue gas purification steps will be required on the front end of a commercial-scale reactor. Understanding of CO2 conversion catalysis and reactor design has increased greatly in recent years. Product selectivity greater than 90 percent and energy efficiency above 50 percent have been demonstrated. However, these discoveries have yet to enable a commercial process due to difficulties integrating catalysts into a traditional electrolyzer reactor. Opus 12 has built and tested a high-performance prototype that incorporates novel electrode materials into an existing electrochemical reactor to increase the conversion of CO2 at the catalyst’s surface, which will lead to high reaction rates that are stable over time. In Phase I, Opus 12 will test the performance of their prototype in the presence of a range of simulated flue gas mixtures, evaluate reactor catalyst regeneration, and conduct a technoeconomic analysis. Meeting the Phase I targets would enable the scale-up to a larger system that could operate in the field.

Opus 12’s technology enables an artificial carbon cycle to store CO2 in chemicals or create carbon-neutral fuels.
Principal Investigator
Kendra Kuhl
Project Benefits

Meeting the Phase I targets would enable scaling up to a larger system that could operate in the field. Success of this project provides a path for conversion of a portion of U.S. stationary CO2 emissions into liquid fuels and chemicals, providing a potential income stream for CO2 emitting industries; additionally, electrochemical CO2 reduction can serve as large-scale energy storage, enabling wider adoption of renewable energy.

Project ID
Opus 12 Incorporated