The “Risk Based Data Management System (RBDMS), FracFocus, States First and Produced Water Initiatives” project is executed by the Ground Water Protection Council (GWPC) and is congressionally mandated. The project is not research-based but develops and enhances software for participating states to help oil & gas commissions keep track of oil & gas operations, thereby helping to protect groundwater resources. The main thrust of the project is to maintain and improve the RBDMS suite of integrated software products, as well as maintain FracFocus, which is the national hydraulic fracturing chemical registry. The current project started in 2016, but a precursor project ran from 2009 until 2015.
GWPC is a nonprofit 501(c)6 organization with headquarters in Oklahoma City, OK. GWPC members consist of state ground water regulatory agencies which come together within the GWPC organization to mutually work toward the protection of the nation’s ground water supplies. The purpose of the GWPC is to promote and ensure the use of best management practices and fair but effective laws regarding comprehensive ground water protection.
The Risk Based Data Management System (RBDMS) is a suite of integrated software products that assists state agencies in the regulating, oversight, and management of oil, gas, and Underground Injection Control (UIC) facilities and activities. It was developed by the GWPC and members states, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy. RBDMS streamlines communication between government agencies and industry by improving the accuracy of information provided for sectors like permitting, construction, and the management of wells. As industry practices develop and become more complex so does the information that needs to be shared with state government agencies. The RBDMS provides a strong standardized communication tool that shares robust data sets, including well details and strategic planning, which facilitates more efficient decision-making processes for various state government agencies and industry. This helps to safely unlock our Nation’s vast unconventional oil and gas reserves more effectively.
RBDMS member states have spent the past 25 years developing, improving, and rolling out new versions of RBDMS and related products. The result is a system that is designed to meet the unique needs of states enforcing regulatory and statutory requirements. Enhancements developed in one state are made available for other states to utilize as well. This spreads the software development costs among the group and frees up resources for new innovations.
Originally developed in Access version 1.1, RBDMS has evolved to the latest .NET technologies and has been adopted as a national standard. The current development on RBDMS 3.0 offers a web-enabled user interface.
FracFocus is the national hydraulic fracturing chemical registry created in 2011. It is managed by the GWPC and the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission – two organizations whose members are state government officials. The missions of both organizations are focused on conservation and environmental protection.
This site was created to provide the public with access to information about chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing. To help provide a comprehensive picture of this information and how it corresponds to related factors, the site also provides objective information on hydraulic fracturing, the purposes these chemicals serve, and the steps individual companies and regulatory agencies are taking to protect groundwater.
The primary purpose of this site is to provide information about hydraulic fracturing chemical use. Although FracFocus is not intended to replace or supplant any state government information systems, it is being used by several states as a means of official chemical disclosure. The site receives reports from more than 1,100 companies reporting chemicals for more than 138,000 hydraulic fracturing operations nationwide.
Additional Highlights
RBDMS WellFinder is a free mobile application (iOS & Android) that is available for use by anyone who chooses to download the application and allows the user to locate any nearby wells using its Geographic Information System (GIS) capability.
The application allows users to explore oil and gas wells in multiple participating states across the nation. Users can interact with the well information on an interactive map or through a data-centric view. WellFinder includes normalized values representing well name, status, type, and location information. This data comes directly from state regulatory programs and has links to state agency websites allowing the user to see additional information about individual wells. Users of the application include agency staff, emergency response teams, and the public.
Current states supplying data and participating in the app are Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming.
The Regional Induced Seismicity Collaborative (RISC) was created to improve sharing of seismic data and ideas across the geological surveys of states located in the southern midcontinent of the United States (e.g., Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Kansas, and Arkansas). RISC facilitates and adds value to the research that is already being done by the states, universities, and geological surveys in the area. The regional approach provides a level of scale and scientific focus that facilitates answers to questions that otherwise might not be addressed when the problem is approached at either the local or national scales.
The Texas Bureau of Economic Geology (Bureau) serves as the lead institution for RISC. Technical leadership will be shared among the partners, including the Bureau, Oklahoma Geological Survey (OGS), Kansas Geological Survey (KGS), New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources (NMBGMR), and the Arkansas Geological Survey (AGS). RISC interfaces directly with the GWPC and the National Energy Technology Laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy.
RISC also anticipates collaborating with DOE federal laboratories, and other state geological surveys individually, and collectively through the Association of American State Geologists. RISC also will collaborate actively with state agencies (e.g., the Railroad Commission of Texas, the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, etc.) responsible for collecting basic data within state jurisdictions and for respective regulatory oversight, and other groups requesting or collating these data, including researchers, commercial data vendors, and the U.S. Energy Information Administration. RISC focuses on informing the scientific community within the partnering state surveys and those outside of the state surveys who are also engaged in related research. RISC holds approximately six webinars each year on various subjects such as seismicity trends in the southern midcontinent, Kansas, Oklahoma, Illinois Basin, Fort Worth Basin, and Alberta. Additional subject matter includes seismic risk, hydraulic fracturing risk, and communicating earthquake hazards. The webinars and slide decks are archived at .