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Advancing Technology Development for Securing a Domestic Supply of Critical Minerals and Materials (CMM)

Announcement Number
Announcement Type
Funding Opportunity Announcement
Opening Date
Closing Date
Contract Specialist
Michelle Malone

Original Closing Date:11/26/2024

The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement is to support DOE’s current vision to develop secure, diverse, resilient, domestic CMM supply chains by expanding the Programs at FECM and the Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office (AMMTO) to fund additional processing research and development (R&D) for the recovery and refining of CMM, as required for critical supply chain use. The overall objectives of the FOA are to

  1. continue to advance CMM technology development, not only in the area of new advanced recovery concepts, but also to
  2. expand and improve process systems development, optimization, and efficiency, to
  3. improve CMM process system economic feasibility and align production costs with existing market sectors, and to
  4. produce CMM from multiple, diverse feedstocks including recycled materials.

Details can be found at NETL eXCHANGE.