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Inflation Reduction Act ( IRA) Domestic Manufacturing Conversion Grants

Announcement Number
Announcement Type
Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)
Opening Date
Closing Date
Contract Specialist
Sue Miltenberger
Office of Manufacturing & Energy Supply Chains

Original Closing Date: 12/07/2023

  • Opening Date: 8/31/2023
  • Closing Date for full Applications:  1/23/2024
  • Concept Paper Submission Deadline:    11/01/2023 **change in Webinar Session to 3:30pm**

The Purpose of the Funding Opportunity Announcement is to support the administration goals laid out above by accelerating the growth of domestic production capability of electric vehicles and components to meet the anticipated increased demand for clean energy technologies as the economy transitions to net zero emissions. The announcement seeks applications to address conversion of manufacturing facilities to expand domestic production capability of electric vehicles, components, and materials in the U.S. Details can be found at S3Exchange and

Amendment 000001: The purpose of Amendment 000001 is to make a correct to Section IV.C table relative to the Quality Jobs and Just Transition Plan section.   

Amendment 000002: The purpose of Amendment 000002 is revise submission dates and add an Informational Webinar.

Amendment 000003: The purpose of Amendment 000003 is to change the Informational Webinar time.

Amendment 000004: The purpose of Amendment 000004 is to correct the page count requirement for the Labor and Community Benefits Plan

Amendment 000005: The purpose of Amendment 000005 is to extend the due date for the Full Applications.

Amendment 000006: The purpose of Amendment 000006 is to add details on the Application Webinar and update the format for the Environmental Information Volume.