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BIL: Carbon Capture Technology Program, Front-End Engineering and Design for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Transport

Announcement Number
Announcement Type
Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)
Opening Date
Closing Date
Contract Specialist
Kelly Haught
Fossil Energy and Carbon Management

Original Closing Date (Round 4): 02/12/2025

This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) will fund Front-End Engineering and Design (FEED) studies that support and accelerate the planning for CO2 transport by a variety of modes. Due to the immediate need for CO2 transport servicing multiple points of capture and one or more points of storage, the first round of solicited applications will prioritize CO2 pipeline projects with two or more carbon capture sources connected to one or more secure geologic storage locations and/or to one or more CO2 conversion locations. The CO2 must be derived only from anthropogenic sources which could include CO2 derived by direct capture from ambient air and must be delivered to CO2 conversion sites or secure geologic storage facilities. Additional details can be found at FedConnect.

Modification 000001 is to add a second closing and update various terms in different sections of the FOA. 

Modification 000003 is to add a third closing and update various terms in different sections of the FOA.   

Modification 000004 is to add a fourth closing and update various terms in different sections of the FOA.