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The University of Toledo will devise material processing techniques for the development and evaluation of two new groups of oxygen carrier materials based on a crystal structure and will systematically investigate their carrier formulations. These new oxygen carriers would be used in chemical looping combustion systems, and would be more thermally and chemically stable than materials currently being considered for this application.


Schematic description of CLC (left) and chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU) (right) processes.
Principal Investigator
Abdul-Majeed Azad
Project Benefits

This project combines synthesis and processing protocols to produce and characterize laboratory-scale quantities of new oxygen carrier materials for chemical looping combustion. New oxygen carrier materials development may advance chemical looping combustion as an efficient and economical approach to fossil fuel based combustion with carbon capture and/or better use of domestic energy resources with less negative impact on the environment. Overall, improvements to advanced combustion technology will promote the development of advanced power plant designs that can lead to improvements in efficiency and operational flexibility, resulting in lower capital and operating costs.


Project ID
University of Toledo