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University Training and Research for Fossil Energy and Carbon Management - UCR

Announcement Number
Announcement Type
Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)
Opening Date
Closing Date
Contract Specialist
Maureen Davison
Fossil Energy and Carbon Management

Original Closing Date: 04/04/2022

This funding opportunity for University Coal Research (UCR) Program, sponsored by the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) Crosscutting Research University Training and Research (UTR) Program and administered by the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), has the following primary mission objectives: 1) educate and train the next generation of engineers and scientists to help develop and contribute to a highly-skilled, inclusive, and competitive U.S. workforce and economy; 2) support novel, early-stage research at U.S. colleges and universities that advances the FECM mission of delivering integrated solutions related to fossil energy and carbon management and enable transformation to a sustainable, net-zero greenhouse gas future; and, 3) ensure that students are being equipped with cutting-edge, translatable skillsets that will allow them to contribute to the U.S. workforce and greater economy over the course of a longstanding and enduring career.

Instructions for completing the Grant Application Package are contained in the full text of the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) which can be obtained at: FedConnect

Modification 000002 was issued to solicit applications for new Areas of Interest 4 and 5 and update the Funding Opportunity Description.