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NETL Post UCFER Winberg
Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy Steven Winberg said collaboration – particularly with university partners – will be critical in achieving robust fossil energy goals he outlined to meet U.S. energy demands, stimulate the nation’s economy and promote responsible stewardship of the environment.
NETL Post UCFER Chunshan Song
NETL is aggressively addressing fundamental fossil energy research challenges in partnership with 16 universities across the country, devoting about $4 million to 12 projects within two years. Another $4 million is slated to be awarded to seven additional projects by the end of June.
NETL co-hosted a special event April 18 to help mitigate participation disparities in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields by connecting enthusiastic professionals with interested students and their educators.
Lazer Sensor
Developing improved sensors and controls for power plants offers the potential to cut costs for utility operators and customers by increasing efficiency, limiting outages, and reducing CO2 emissions. The challenge for researchers is devising sensors that can provide real-time measurements of temperature, pressure, gas species and more amid harsh conditions.
FOA Logo
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy (FE) has announced up to $9 million in federal funding for cost-shared research and development projects under the funding opportunity announcement (FOA) DE-FOA-0001829, Developing Technologies for Advancement of Associated Geologic Storage in Basinal Geo-Laboratories.
Harsh Environments
The inside of today’s energy systems host some of the harshest environments anywhere on the planet, and the faults, fractures, and carbon dioxide plumes deep underground present an array of challenges for resource recovery. Sophisticated sensors help energy systems to operate more efficiently, and assist in recovering underground oil and gas. However, creating sensors that can withstand these formidable environments is a challenge. NETL is on the task.
Ten years ago, NETL concluded work on its mercury control program – one of its most successful and productive research programs, and one that culminated in highly effective technologies that are now widely used throughout the entire power generation sector, protecting our waters and wildlife.
CCSI logo set
The Carbon Capture Simulation Initiative (CCSI), led by the Office of Fossil Energy’s (FE) National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), released the CCSI Toolset as open source software. The CCSI Toolset is the nation’s only suite of computational tools and models designed to help maximize learning and reduce cost and risk during the scale-up process for carbon capture technologies. The toolset is critically important to perform much of the design and calculations, thus reducing the cost of both pilot projects and commercial facilities.
Spray Coater
Supporting domestic energy and technologies that produce efficient, affordable power with responsible stewardship of the environment are top priorities for NETL. Our researchers are examining new innovations that can provide clean, efficient energy from coal, natural gas, and oil. But the path from discovery to commercialization can take decades. So how do decision makers choose which breakthrough technologies have the potential to thrive in the commercial market and bring lasting benefit?