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Coal Conference
Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy Steven Winberg and NETL Director Brian J. Anderson, Ph.D., highlighted the Lab’s work to develop innovative fossil energy solutions at the recent 2019 International Pittsburgh Coal Conference.
NETL employees were on hand to facilitate power restoration as Hurricane Dorian threatened the East Coast in recent weeks. Three employees were deployed to regions expecting impacts from Dorian ahead of the hurricane’s arrival, while a fourth employee provided virtual assistance. All four employees contribute their time and expertise as part of the Emergency Support Function (ESF) #12 program, which aids the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as part of the United States National Response Framework.
Brian Anderson
NETL hosted a comprehensive meeting Aug. 26-30 to showcase cutting-edge research in four key areas aimed at developing novel technological solutions to America’s energy challenges.
The 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill — which released 130 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico over 87 days — put a spotlight on the urgent need for improved system-wide knowledge and advanced computational tools to predict and prevent future spills as oil and gas operations continue to expand into new territory.
NETL’s Regional Workforce Initiative (RWFI) will present a one-hour webinar addressing the potential for an Appalachian ethane storage hub at 11 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 12. The webinar is free, but participants must register here.
NETL officials highlighted the success of the Lab’s award-winning collaborative effort to transform Pittsburgh’s energy infrastructure for a contingent of Japanese energy experts visiting the Steel City. GlobalPittsburgh — an organization that creates international connections through the arrangement of professional meetings, member activities and hosting opportunities — welcomed the Japanese delegation and invited NETL representatives to present during a meeting Tuesday, Aug. 27, at the Courtyard Marriott in downtown Pittsburgh.
Technical advisory board members of eXtremeMAT, a national effort focused on developing next-generation extreme-environment materials for use in advanced fossil energy power systems that operate in extreme environments, met at NETL’s Pittsburgh site Aug. 13, 2019, to assess progress and map plans for future research.
During a visit to western North Dakota this week, Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy Steven Winberg got a firsthand look at technology originally developed for the U.S. Army but now to be assessed by NETL in producing fresh water from brine used in energy operations. The equipment is being tested at the University of North Dakota (UND) Energy & Environmental Research Center’s Brine Extraction and Storage Test site, which is among several research sites Winberg is touring.
NETL’s Walter Wilfong, left and McMahan Gray, right, experiment with the BIAS technology.
NETL research has resulted in a technology that offers a practical, affordable and green approach to removing the threat of lead and other heavy metals from streams that ultimately contaminate the drinking water of American homes – a threat that jeopardizes the health of millions of children – and can also help recover valuable rare earth elements (REEs) from water supplies.
NETL K-12 STEM Education & Outreach Team
Throughout the school year, NETL’s K-12 STEM Education & Outreach team encourages positive attitudes surrounding science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by bringing engaging hands-on, minds-on activities to children. During the summer when classrooms are empty, the team continues to provide STEM instruction at day camps, summer programs and other educational events located near the Lab’s research sites in Pittsburgh; Morgantown, West Virginia; and Albany, Oregon.