University Training and Research for Fossil Energy and Carbon Management
November 2024
The National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), within the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM), has recorded a webinar as part of the University Training and Research Program (UTR). The webinar presents an opportunity to become familiar with NETL and FECM. while gaining an in-depth understanding of how to plan, organize, and submit proposals responsive to a set of criteria.
The webinar explains FECM and NETL’s primary lines of research, focusing on providing participants information to prepare a responsive proposal. NETL staff explain linking experience and competencies to the topics (also known as Topic Areas) and how to critically read a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to maximize an institution’s available array of knowledge, expertise, and resources. The webinar provides information on the formulation of actual proposed research to be conducted and how to maneuver the administrative requirements of doing business with the government.
- Welcome and Introductions
Alison Metz, Federal Project Manager, Integrated Carbon Management Team
- DOE and FECM Summaries
Caleb Woodall, Program Manager (FECM HQ)
- University Training & Research Program
Caleb Woodall, Program Manager (FECM HQ)- Overview
- Review of FY23 Funded Topics
- Current Notice of Intent
- Doing Business with the Federal Government and Funding Opportunities
Alison Metz, Federal Project Manager, Integrated Carbon Management Team
- Grant Writing Discussion
Alison Metz, Federal Project Manager, Integrated Carbon Management Team- Responding to Topic Areas
- Merit Review Criteria Discussion
- Sign up for email updates:
- For more information on UTR:
- For more information on Institution Designation refer to:
- DOE released a Notice of Intent on August 26, 2024 for the UTR program. Follow this link to review the four potential topic areas (formerly called areas of interest) identified in the announcement:
- Contact us by email: