Recovery Act: Regional Technology Training Centers
Carbon capture and storage technologies offer great potential for reducing CO2 emissions. However, deploying them will require a significantly expanded workforce trained in various specialties that are currently underrepresented in the United States. NETL understands that successful commercialization of CO2 capture and storage technologies depends on knowledge sharing among various public and private entities. Knowledge sharing will also help address potential future challenges regarding public acceptance, infrastructure requirements, and regulatory frameworks.
Funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) has enabled NETL to facilitate seven Regional Technology Training Centers that have focused on promoting CCS knowledge sharing and training opportunities. The seven training centers have emphasized training personnel in the implementation of CCS technology. While DOE support to nearly all of these projects has concluded, several of the training centers are still in existence. Training activities have focused on engineering and science of CCS for site developers, geologists, engineers, and technicians in order to provide a technology transfer platform for CO2 geologic storage. This project-based training has helped to being to produce a workforce with the skills and competencies in geology, geophysics, geomechanics, geochemistry, and reservoir engineering needed for the CCS industry. Overall, the training centers have addressed five activity areas:
Implement an Organized Sponsorship Development Program - Develop a self-sustaining, long-term technology program without federal government support
Short Courses on CCS Technologies - Work with experts in the field to identify and develop training materials for professionals
Regional Training, Outreach, and Networking - Conduct training related to CCS technologies
Perform Regional/Basin Technology Transfer Services - Achieve technology transfer through outreach materials and coordination of regional/basin efforts
Plan and Manage the Recipient’s Regional Program - Ensure that the regional programs are well planned and managed
Click on the training center logo to go to their website.
University of Illinois (Champaign, IL)
Development and Implementation of the Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium Sequestration Training and Education Program (STEP).
This project created the Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium Sequestration Technology Training Center. Training utilizes a modular, multi-track approach, allowing different professional participants to customize individual programs. The project benefits the Illinois Basin region by providing curriculum, outreach, and networking on five focal areas for carbon storage technology development.
Environmental Outreach and Stewardship (EOS) Alliance (Seattle, WA)
Carbon Capture and Storage Training.
This project facilitates the development of a CCS workforce through regional CO2 storage technology training in the northwest, focusing on 12-14 key topics related to long-term, underground CO2 storage. EOS is implementing an organized sponsorship program; developing short courses on CCS technologies; providing regional training, outreach, and networking; performing regional technology transfer services; and planning and managing the regional program. Courses also cover the intricacies of storage in basalts that are present in the region.
The New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology developed the Southwestern U.S. Geologic CO2 Sequestration Training Center. A holistic approach is being utilized to conduct outreach and training for current professionals, inclusive of industry, non-governmental organizations, the general public, and the media. The training also engages students at all levels, from K-12 to college students, and provides training and tools to secondary education teachers.
PTTC's Regional Technology Training Program focuses on the development and delivery of technology training for the Permian Basin. Methods to transfer knowledge include regional workshops, an extended CCS course, a research-oriented workshop, online certificate program, and webinars/e-symposia.
The Southeast Regional CO2 Sequestration Technology Training Program is developing short courses on CCS technologies, participating in regional training and other activities through outreach and networking, and performing internet-based and electronic regional/basin technology transfer services. The training addresses (1) the most promising storage options in the southeast region, (2) the various sources of CO2, (3) the regional transportation infrastructure, and (4) the legal, regulatory, and institutional frameworks.
This project creates an alliance for Sequestration Training, Outreach, Research, and Education (STORE) as part of the Gulf Coast Carbon Center to promote the transfer of scientific knowledge and applied engineering technologies related to CO2 storage in the Gulf Coast region. The focus is on four primary objectives needed for the emerging CCS industry in the Gulf region and includes storage workforce training, public outreach, research and technology dissemination, and workforce pipeline education.
University of Wyoming (Laramie, WY)
Wyoming Carbon Capture and Sequestration Technology Institute; Workforce Training, Technology Transfer, and Information Clearinghouse.
The Wyoming CCS Technology Institute (WCTI) is implementing training and technology transfer in the Wyoming and Rocky Mountain regions. The WCTI utilizes an industry-wide model to train a professional workforce, provide pathways for graduates and professionals from allied fields, and create a vehicle for communicating regional CCS knowledge and technology within the growing industry.
STEP IEAGHG International CCS Summer School. Thirty experts in CCS and ~60 select graduate students and early career scientists from twenty-six countries came together for 1-week of training.
Research Experience in Carbon Sequestration (RECS) is an intensive 10-day, interactive program combining classroom instruction with group exercises, and CCS site visits.EOS Alliance website as an example of a training center website available that is providing access to training opportunities and other CCS-related information.NMIMT 1-week High School mini-course during the summer. Introduces students to the types of geology (reservoir and seal rocks) important to geological sequestration.