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Carbon Storage Technology and Operations Research Facility (CarbonSTORE) Overview

The initiation of Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) and the growing number of independent, industry-led carbon capture and storage (CCS) and storage-based carbon dioxide removal (CDR) projects provides an opportunity to leverage new carbon storage sites and associated infrastructure for testing and validating new technologies for monitoring storage operations and evaluating storage performance. Novel, potentially lower-cost technologies such as real-time monitoring of pressure evolution, pressure interference, and their effects on injectivity, storage efficiency, and induced seismicity risk can be compared side-by-side with existing technologies for achieving these purposes. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) is establishing a multi-year research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) initiative called Carbon Storage Technology and Operations Research Facility (CarbonSTORE) that will establish a series of field laboratories in different geologic settings to:

  1.  Facilitate enhanced data gathering for new technology development,
  2.  Accelerate emerging technology validation, and
  3.  Provide real-world performance feedback for operational improvements and optimization.

These CarbonSTORE facilities may be aligned with CarbonSAFE projects, other CCS projects, or non-storage sites that have relevant infrastructure and geologic settings (depositional environments) Through this approach, DOE-FECM expects to enable storage performance evaluation and technology validation at-scale and thereby fast-track technology deployment. The tools and technologies that would be tested at CarbonSTORE facilities will support the establishment as well as safe and efficient operations of commercial geologic carbon dioxide (CO2) storage facilities in diverse geologic settings, which is a key component to de-risking future CarbonSAFE projects.

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