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Office of Fossil Energy Officials Share Clean-Coal Advances at Pittsburgh Conference
Coal Conference

Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy Steven Winberg and NETL Director Brian J. Anderson, Ph.D., highlighted the Lab’s work to develop innovative fossil energy solutions at the recent 2019 International Pittsburgh Coal Conference.

The conference, hosted by the University of Pittsburgh’s Swanson School of Engineering, was held Sept. 3-6 at the Westin Convention Center Hotel in Pittsburgh. This year’s theme, “Clean Coal-Based Energy/Fuel and the Environment,” was central to NETL’s mission to discover, integrate and mature technology solutions that enhance the nation’s energy foundation and protect the environment for future generations.

Winberg discussed energy production and policies during his plenary talk Sept. 4. Anderson addressed attendees Sept. 6, when the plenary session focuses on environmental issues. He reviewed the history of clean-coal technology development and expounded on the environmental impacts of clean coal utilization.

“As the nation’s only federal laboratory dedicated to fossil energy technology research and development, NETL has a long history of exploring and advancing clean-coal technologies — including combustion and gasification systems, solid oxide fuel cells, acid rain and mercury control technologies, and carbon capture, utilization and storage processes — that offer promising solutions to some of America’s most pressing energy challenges,” Anderson said.

The conference also drew upon NETL’s world-renowned expertise in coal research for its technical program, which spanned 13 different topics. NETL scientists served as coordinators for most program topics, including gasification technologies, clean coal demonstration and commercial projects, combustion technologies, clean coal and gas-to-fuels, carbon management, coal science, power plants, sustainability and the environment, rare earth elements, and value-added products from coal.

The Lab hosted an exhibit at the conference to highlight emerging energy technologies, connect with key stakeholders and attract new partners.

An outgrowth of a series of conferences spanning more than three decades, the Pittsburgh Coal Conference is among the world’s premier annual events devoted to all aspects of coal, energy and the environment. The conference aims to provide a unique opportunity for a focused exchange of technical information and in-depth discussion of policy issues among representatives from industry, government and academia worldwide.

Since its inception following the 1973 oil embargo, the Pittsburgh Coal Conference has developed and maintained a strong healthy relationship with the U.S. Department of Energy, providing a valuable venue for DOE scientists and engineers to showcase their leading research to the greater scientific community.