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CITRONELLE PROJECT Paluxy Formation, Citronelle, Alabama Southeast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership

CITRONELLE PROJECT Paluxy Formation, Citronelle, Alabama Southeast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership NATIONAL ENERGY TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY July 2017 BACKGROUND The Southeast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (SECARB) Citronelle Project has a goal of safely demonstrating largescale, long-term carbon dioxide (CO2 ) injection and storage in a saline reservoir that holds significant promise for future development. This project is the largest demonstration of a fully integrated, pulverized coal-fired carbon capture and storage (CCS) project in the United States as of 2016, and supports a commercial prototype of CO2 capture; transportation; subsurface storage; and monitoring, verification, and accounting (MVA), and assessment. The Citronelle Project’s geologic storage and MVA sites are located on the flanks of the Citronelle Dome, approximately three miles southeast of the city of Citronelle. The injection zone, the Paluxy Formation, a saline formation that occurs at approximately 9,400 feet and overlies the oil production horizon of the Citronelle oilfield, presents a favorable injection reservoir in terms of areal extent and petrophysical characteristics. The confining zone, the basal shale of the overlying Washita-Fredericksburg Formation, is persistent throughout the Citronelle area and possesses the appropriate criteria to act as an effective CO2 seal.