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The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced the availability of approximately $28 million for cost-shared research and development. Three new funding opportunities will advance technologies related to advanced combustion systems, advanced turbines, and gasification as part of the Office of Fossil Energy’s (FE) Advanced Energy Systems program.  Advanced energy conversion systems are designed to enable efficient, low-cost, and near-zero emission energy from existing and new fossil fuel power plants.

Small-Scale Modularization of Gasification Technology Components for Radically Engineering Modular Systems ($12.8 million)
This funding opportunity supports the development of advanced technologies that will foster the commercial adoption of coal gasification technologies for power and other products that may open new markets for coal. Specifically, FE seeks proposals for using small modular plant engineering approaches including development of modular, small-scale, air-separation technologies for use in these systems. The FOA has three areas of interest: (1) Modularization of Emerging Gasification Technologies, (2) Modularization of Advanced Air Separation Technologies to Enable Oxygen-Blown Gasifier within a Radically Engineered Modular Systems (REMS) Context, and (3) Small Field Pilot Front-end Engineering Design Study.

Advanced Combustion Systems: Existing Plant Improvements and Transformational Technologies ($10 million) 
The Advanced Combustion Systems program focuses on research, development, integration and testing of transformational technologies, such as chemical looping and pressurized oxy-combustion systems, to achieve near-term improvements in advanced combustion coal power plant technologies. FE seeks proposals under two areas of interest: (1) Advanced Combustion Coal Power Plant Improvement Technologies, and (2) Advanced Combustion Enabling Technologies and Advanced Concepts. 

University Turbine Systems Research (UTSR) Program ($5.15 million)
The UTSR program supports a portfolio of gas turbine–focused university projects that address a wide variety of technical topics including combustion, aerodynamics/heat transfer, and advanced materials. The program’s cutting-edge research is relevant to the gas turbine industry and supports advanced technologies that can increase energy efficiency, reduce emissions, and provide additional performance benefits. FE seeks proposals from universities that address advancing the performance and efficiency of combustion turbines in six technical topic areas: (1) Low-NOx (nitrogen oxide) Combustion Technology Development for “Air-Breathing” Advanced Turbines, (2) Advanced Cooling Technology Development for “Air-Breathing” Advanced Turbines, (3) Advanced Materials Technology Development for “Air-Breathing" Advanced Turbines, (4) Big Data Analytics, (5) Advanced Instrumentation, and (6) Pressure Gain Combustion.