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Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Section 50143 Domestic Manufacturing Conversion Grants for Electrified Vehicles: State Partnerships for Small and Medium Sized Manufacturers (SMMs)

Announcement Number
Announcement Type
Funding Opportunity Announcement
Opening Date
Closing Date
Contract Specialist
Colleen DiCola
Office of Manufacturing & Energy Supply Chains

Original Closing Date: 10/15/2024

The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement is to provide funding to eligible state governments non-competitively, by formula to make awards to small and medium manufacturers to perform conversion projects to produce electric vehicles in accordance with Section 50143 of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Instructions for this FOA can be found at the Clean Energy Infrastructure Funding Opportunity Exchange

Amendment 000001: (08/30/2024) Modification 000001 was issued to revise the following:

  • Update the Full Application Content Requirements Table: Technical Volume corrected from 5 pages to 10 pages.