This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) aims to expand the Department of Energy, Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management’s (DOE FECM’s) carbon management portfolio through support for research and development (R&D) projects in the programmatic areas of Carbon Conversion, Carbon Dioxide Removal, Point Source Carbon Capture, and Carbon Storage. Additional details can be found at FedConnect.
Amendment 000001 :(06/09/2022) Modification 000001 was issued to revise the following:
- Correct a typo on Page 50. Change highlighted in yellow highlight.
- Appendix B – AOI-2 Carbon Dioxide Removal Technology, AOI-2C – Initial Engineering Design Studies for Advanced Carbon Capture Systems at Existing Power Plants Utilizing Sustainably-Sourced Biomass was revised. DOE will now consider applications to design modular carbon capture systems of smaller capacities to be deployed over a fleet of multiple existing biomass power plants operated by the same company for a cumulative capacity of at least 500,000 net tonnes CO2e per year. The scope of work must include CO2 capture system designs, site-specific considerations for CO2 capture integration, and balance of plant designs for each of the existing biomass power plants proposed. Changes shown in yellow highlight and strikethrough in Appendix B.
- “Long duration carbon storage” requirements were replaced with “secure geologic carbon storage.” Changes shown in yellow highlight and strikethrough in Section I (pages 15 & 17), Section V (pages 63- 64), and Appendix B.
Amendment 000002. (06/21/2022) Modification 000002 was issued to revise the following:
- Clarify agreement requirements for DOE/NNSA FFRDC/NLs participating as a sub-recipient. Changes highlighted in yellow highlight in Section III (page 25).
- Clarify in the SOPO template deliverables table that an initial LCA is due 120 days after award and a final LCA is due 90 days prior to project completion for projects selected under AOI-1A, AOI-2A, AOI2B, AOI-2C, AOI-2D, and AOI
Amendment 000003. (06/23/2022) Modification 000003 was issued to revise the following:
- Extend the application due date and clarify Appendix B.
Amendment 000004. (10/03/2022) Modification 000004 was issued to revise the following:
- Reopen the Funding Opportunity to solicit applications in new Areas of Interest (2F and 2G) and announce an informational webinar.
Amendment 000005. (10/06/2022) Modification 000005 was issued to revise the following:
- Remove the informational webinar.
Amendment 000006. (11/02/2022) Modification 000006 was issued to revise the following:
- Added a term and replaced a link.
Amendment 000007. (12/28/2022) Modification 000007 was issued to revise the following:
- Reopened the Funding Opportunity to issue revisions to Round 2 requirements.
Amendment 000008. (05/18/2023) Modification 000008 was issued to revise the following:
- Reopened the Funding Opportunity to solicit applications in new Areas of Interest 3A, 3B, 3C and 4A.
Amendment 000010. (09/21/2023) Modification 000010 was issued to revise the following:
- Round 4: This FOA is being re-opened to solicit applications for new Areas of Interest:
- AOI-1B. Biological Pathways Utilizing Algae to Convert Anthropogenic CO2 to Products
- AOI-3D. Decarbonization of Industrial Processes Using Oxygen-Based (Oxy-combustion and Chemical Looping) Approaches
Amendment 000011. (02/29/2024) Modification 000011 was issued to revise the following:
- Reopened the Funding Opportunity to solicit applications for Round 5 in Topic Areas 1 and 3.
Amendment 000012. (08/13/2024) Modification 000012 was issued to revise the following:
- Reopened the Funding Opportunity to solicit applications for Round 6 in Areas of Interest 1F, 3F, 3G, 3H-a, 3H-b, 4A.
Amendment 000013. (08/21/2024) Modification 000013 was issued to revise the following:
- Provided clarifications for FFRDC Participation in Project Teams and Teaming Partner List along with a Teaming Partner List Template as Attachment 1.
Amendment 000014. (08/30/2024) Modification 000014 was issued to revise the following:
- Provide clarification on technologies of interest.