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NETL Releases 2020 Compendium of Carbon Capture Technology

NETL’s 2020 Compendium of Carbon Capture Technology, which provides a technical summary of the Lab’s Carbon Capture program, is now available for viewing online.

The document allows stakeholders in corporations, small businesses, universities, other national laboratories, nonprofit organizations and government agencies to learn more about the activities of the Carbon Capture program.

Developing advanced CO2 capture technologies is critical to keeping fossil energy-based power generation affordable and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In the 2020 Compendium of Carbon Capture Technology, research and development (R&D) efforts highlighted include the development of sorbents, solvents, membranes and novel concepts for both post- and pre-combustion CO2 capture.

The U.S. Department of Energy Fossil Energy Program has adopted a comprehensive, multi-pronged approach to development of advanced CO2 capture technologies for today’s coal power platforms and for future platforms. NETL is implementing the Carbon Capture R&D program to develop the next generation of advanced CO2 capture concepts.

The success of this research will enable cost-effective implementation of carbon capture technologies throughout the power generation sector and help ensure the United States will continue to have access to safe, reliable and affordable energy from fossil fuels.

The newly released technology compendium assembles CO2 capture technology R&D descriptions for 132 projects, including 80 active projects and 52 completed projects. The compendium is available for download on NETL’s website here.