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Carbon Basin Assessment and Storage Evaluation (CarbonBASE) Overview

Rapid scale-up of carbon capture and storage (CCS) will necessitate the deployment of secure geologic carbon dioxide (CO2) storage across multiple geologic basins throughout the United States (U.S.). In some basins, where storage potential may exist but data for effective project siting is scarce, a means for obtaining such data would be helpful. Conversely, multiple storage projects, including Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) projects, are currently being developed within some of the most promising storage basins. As numerous individual and hub-scale projects come online within these basins, consideration needs to be given to the potential for interaction among adjacent storage projects as well as the safe and efficient utilization of the available storage resource.

To address the broader scope of data scarcity in some geologic basins as well as efficient basin-scale storage resources management, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) is establishing a new initiative called Carbon Basin Assessment and Storage Evaluation (CarbonBASE). The key objectives of CarbonBASE are to collect geologic data from basins within the U.S. and develop a robust set of tools for rapid and effective site screening, site characterization and development, and basin-scale storage resource monitoring and management. The data and tools developed under CarbonBASE will be designed to help project developers carefully select storage sites, help regulators facilitate and accelerate the permit approval process, and provide a system for monitoring and managing storage resources within basins and sub-basins.  Data generated by CarbonBASE projects will be made available to the public to increase transparency for building stakeholder confidence in projects.

From January through February 2024, DOE-FECM accepted public responses to a Request for Information (RFI) in order to refine priority research areas and ensure that storage resources in the U.S continue to be utilized and managed efficiently and safely. Potential research pathways in the CarbonBASE Initiative include:

  • Establishing a national geologic data collection campaign in multiple basins to fill data gaps
  • Developing basin-scale management tools that assess dynamic basin-scale storage performance and risks; and
  • Designing and deploying monitoring systems to evaluate basin-scale effects of geologic carbon storage projects.

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